- FERNÁNDEZ-ESCOBEDO R., EGUÍA, B. y ALDAZ, L. (2024), Cluster mapping in Spain: Exploring the correlation between industrial agglomeration and regional performance, Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research, num. 59, 81-104. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.38191/iirr-jorr.24.012)
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- EGUÍA, B.; RODRIGUEZ, C. y SERRANO, F. (2023), Overeducation and Scarring Effects on the Wages of Young Graduates, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 44, num. 4, 755-771.
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- ALDAZ, L. y EGUÍA, B. (2016), Segregación ocupacional por género y nacionalidad en el mercado laboral español/Gender and Nationality Based Occupational Segregation in the Spanish Labor Market, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, num. 156, 3–20.
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- ALDAZ, L. y EGUÍA, B. (2016), Immigration and the Occupational Mobility of Native Workers in Spain. A Gender Perspective, Journal of International Migration and Integration, num. 17, 1181-1193. (DOI: 10.1007/s12134-015-0459-4)
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- MURUA, J.R., ASTORKIZA, I. y EGUÍA, B. (2013), Conflict between the Agricultural Policy and Sustainable Land Use: The Case of Northern Spain, Panoeconomicus, vol. 60 (3), 397-414.
- EGUÍA, B., MURUA, J.R., ALDAZ, L. y ASTORKIZA, I (2013), La Población Inmigrante en las Zonas Rurales del País Vasco, Información Técnica Económica Agraria-ITEA, vol. 109 (2), 215-238.
- MURUA, J.R., ASTORKIZA, I. y EGUÍA, B. (2012), Abandono e Infrautilización del suelo agrario en la Cornisa Cantábrica: el caso del País Vasco, Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, num. 231, 63-91.
- EGUÍA, B., ALDAZ, L. y MURUA, J.R. (2011), Decomposing Changes in Occupational Segregation: The Case of Spain (1999-2010), European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, vol. 38, 72-91.
- SERRANO, F., EGUÍA, B. y FERREIRO, J. (2011), Public pensions’ sustainability and population ageing: Is immigration the solution?, International Labour Review, vol. 150 (1–2), 63-79.