Libros, capítulos de libro y volúmenes especiales
- Chapter 3: <em>In vitro</em> testing: <em>In Vitro</em> Toxicity Testing with Bivalve Mollusc and Fish Cells for the Risk Assessment of Nanoparticles in the Aquatic Environment Ecotoxicology of Nanoparticles in Aquatic Systems. J BLASCO, I CORSI (eds), Science Publishers CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2019; 62 - 98 - 9781138067264
- The European Marine Biological Resource Infrastructure Cluster, an alliance of European research infrastructures to promote the blue bio-economy In: Rampelotto P., Trincone A. (eds) “Grand Challenges in Biology and Biotechnology”, Springer Verlag, Cham, 2018; 405 - 421
- La sostenibilidad: un punto de vista desde la Biología (Iraunkortasuna: Biologiatik ikuspegi bat) La sostenibilidad desde la Universidad: Una reflexión interdisciplinar. Servicio editorial UPV/EHU, 2013; 35 - 61, - 978-84-9860-766-6
- A chemical and biological approach to phthalates contamination in two estuaries from the Basque Coast (Bay of Biscay): Levels, distribution and biomarker responses Phthalates: Chemical Properties, Impacts on Health and the Environment. GL MORETTI, D ROMANO (eds.). Nova Publishers, EE.UU, 2012; 61 - 86, - 978-1-62081-994-4
- Chapter 15: Background document: histopathology of mussels (<em>Mytilus</em> spp.) for health assessment in biological effects monitoring Integrated monitoring of chemicals and their effects. IM DAVIES, AD VETHAAK (eds.). ICES Cooperative Research Report N. 315, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012; 111 - 120, - 978-87-7482-120-5, 1017-6195
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms for physiological adaptation to multiple stress. 28th Congress European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 2012; Special issue, Elsevier Science, 163A, 1095-6433
- Impactos y adaptación: Biodiversidad, ecosistemas y recursos marinos Cambio climático: impacto y adaptación/Klima aldaketa: inpaktua eta egokitzea. O SANTA COLOMA, E FELIÚ, M MENDIZABAL (eds.). Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza, 2011; 51 - 63, - 9788445731758
- Olimpiadas de Biología: Preguntas y respuestas Editorial Zubia-Santillana, 2010; 978-84-9894-038-1
- Ecotoxicity assessment of naturally weathered soil and of a recently polluted soil PROC INTERNAT CONF. ENVIRON MNGMNT ENG PLANNING AND ECON (A KUNGOLOS, A ARAVOSSIS, A KARAGIANNIDIS, P SAMARAS (eds.). CEMEPE, Skiathos, Grecia, 2007; 475 - 481, - 978-960-89090-8-3
- Evaluación de la toxicidad de suelos contaminados por contaminación mixta (gasoil y metales pesados) Tendencias actuales de la ciencia del suelo. N BELLIFONTE, A JORDÁN (eds.). Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 2007; 270 - 278, - 978-84-690-4129-1
- Results of the BEEP monitoring programme along the NW Mediterranean Sea using biomarkers in sentinel mussels and red mullets Mediterranean Action Plan MAP Technical Reports Series No. 166, "Proceedings of the workshop on the MED POL biological effects programme: achievements and future orientations", UNEP/MAP, Athens, 2007; 47 - 59, - 92 807 2143 7
- Cell and tissue-level biomarkers of pollution in mussels (<em>Mytilus edulis</em>) and cod (<em>Gadus morhua</em>) caged along a contaminant gradient in Statfjord (North Sea) Biological effects of contaminants in marine pelagic ecosystems: K HYLLAND, T LANG, D VETHAAK (eds.), SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL, USA, 2006; 215 - 234, - 1-880611-84-8
- Cell and tissue-level biomarkers of pollution in wild pelagic fish, herring (<em>Clupea harengus</em>) and saithe (<em>Pollachius virens</em>), from the North Sea Biological effects of contaminants in marine pelagic ecosystems: K HYLLAND, T LANG, D VETHAAK (eds.), SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL, USA, 2006; 121 - 141, - 1-880611-84-8
- Chapter 14: Biomonitoring of environmental pollution in the Basque coast using molecular, cellular and tissue-level biomarkers: an integrative approach Oceanography and marine environment of the Basque Country. A BORJA, M COLLINS (eds.). Elsevier Oceanography Series nº 70, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2004; 335 - 364, - 978-0-444-52952-7
- Chapter 2: Links between genetic damage by xenobiotics at the individual level and the molecular /cellular response to pollution Effects of Pollution on Fish: molecular effects and population responses. AJ LAWRENCE, KL HEMINGWAY (eds.), Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, 2003; 14 - 82, - 9780632064069
- Cell Biology of Peroxisomes Microscopy Research and Technique, 2003; Special issue, Wiley-Liss, Inc., California, 61, 117 - 223, - 1059-910X
- Biological effects of environmental pollution in the marine coastal ecosystems (BEEP) The impact of human activities on the marine environment quality and health: the EC impacts cluster. P CAUMETTE, C ECCLES, P GARRIGUES, M KROM, P LEBARON (eds.), EC Directorate-General for Research, Publications de lÚniversité de Pau, BU Sciences, Pau, 2003; 165 - 174, - 2-908930-86-2
- Chapter 5: Molecular/cellular processes and the impact on reproduction Effects of Pollution on Fish: molecular effects and population responses. AJ LAWRENCE, KL HEMINGWAY (eds.), Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, 2003; 179 - 220 - 9780632064069
- Studies on metal localization in animal cells Microscopy Research and Technique, 2002; 56, 1059-910X
- Landare- eta Animali Zitologia eta Histologia: ariketa praktikoak Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU, 2001; 84-8373-340-4
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