Ponencias (2017)

  • Autores: Catherine Beacuage ; 15396674Z, Sanchez Famoso, Valeriano; Luis Felipe Cisneros Martinez; Bérangère Deschamps
    Título: Analyzing the Importance of Networks Mobilization during Entrepreneurial Take Over Processes in Family Business
    Tipo de participación: Comunicación Poster
    Congreso: FERC - Family Enterprise Research Conference
    Lugar y fecha: Carolina del Norte (Estados Unidos de América), 08-10 Junio 2017

  • Autores: Arzubiaga, Unai; Iturralde Txomin; Maseda Amaia
    Título: Family firm image and access to financial resources in different family SMEs: how does it work?
    Congreso: International Family Enterprise Research Association (IFERA) 2017
    Lugar y fecha: Zadar (Croacia), del 28 Junio al 1 Julio de 2017

  • Autores: Iturralde, Txomin, Maseda, Amaia; Cooper, Sarah y Boulkeroua, Lofti
    Título: An empirical examination of ownership structure in first-, second- and subsequent-generation of family SMEs
    Congreso: XXVI International Conference of the Academy
    Entidad organizadora: AEDEM & Univertistà degli Studi di Reggio Calabria
    Lugar y fecha: Reggio Calabria (Italia), 04-05 Septiembre 2017

  • Autores: Alayo, Mikel; Aparicio, Gloria
    Título: A bibliometric review on family firms’ internationalization: Analyzing the evolution of the research field
    Congreso: XXVI International Conference of the Academy
    Entidad Organizadora: AEDEM & Univertistà degli Studi di Reggio Calabria
    Lugar y fecha: Reggio Calabria (Italia), 04-05 Septiembre 2017
    Premio: European Journal of Family Business Best Paper Award in Family Business

  • Autores: Alayo, Mikel; Iturralde, Txomin; Aparicio, Gloria; Maseda, Amaia
    Título: Research on family firms’ internationalization: A bibliometric review
    Congreso: 13th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
    Entidad organizadora: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
    Lugar y fecha: Bilbao, 25-27 Mayo 2017

  • Autores: Arzubiaga, Unai; Iturralde, Txomin, Maseda, Amaia
    Título: The influence of firm age and firm size on the relationship between family image and access to financial resources among family smes with differente indebtedness levels
    Congreso: 13TH Workshop on family firm management research
    Entidad organizadora: EIASM and UPV/EHU
    Lugar y fecha: Bilbao, 25-07 Mayo 2017