Ponencias (2014)

  • Autores: Arzubiaga, U. Iturralde, Tx., Maseda, A.
    Título: The impact of the Top Management Team in the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Family Firms: What is the Role of the Board of Directors?
    Congreso: Congreso: X Workshop on Family Firm Management Research (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management)
    Entidad Organizadora: EIASM
    Lugar y fecha: Bergamo (Italia), Mayo 2014

  • Autores: Arzubiaga, U. Iturralde, Tx., Maseda, A.
    Título: Why do some boards of Directors in Family Firms Ourperform others when strategizing? Analysing the importance of entrepreneurial orientation
    Congreso: Congreso: XXII Congreso AEDEM
    Entidad Organizadora: AEDEM
    Lugar y fecha: París (Francia), Septiembre 2014