
Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Education in Bilbao, part of the UPV/EHU. The goal of all of us who make up the university community at the Faculty is to collaborate to build a quality, sustainable and friendly Faculty.
The website aims to be a place that informs on all the activities that we offer day by day, as well as a relevant source of information on the Faculty, the Departments comprised in it, and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
The Faculty of Education in Bilbao (UPV/EHU) currently offers Bachelor’s Degrees in Primary Education, Trilingual Primary Education, Infant Education, Trilingual Infant Education and Social Education. There is also a broad catalogue of Master's Degrees and Post-Graduate programmes that encourage both the training and development of future researchers in education, such as the ongoing training of professionals.
The internationalisation of students, teaching body, researchers and research groups is another of our main pillars, for which we offer an attractive mobility programme that includes inter-institutional agreements within the framework of programmes such as Erasmus, Sicue, etc.
For teaching and research, we have in place infrastructures for education innovation and for implementing a quality education. Among these are several science labs, the school vegetable patch, the 0-3 years workshop and our MakerLab, the first Education Maker space in a Faculty of Education.
Ours is a living Faculty, a benchmark in several education research and knowledge transfer areas. The teachers and research staff are organised in different research groups that cover the various areas of knowledge of Education, with high-impact research and publications within the scientific-education community. They also work towards publicising and training in the transfer of the knowledge generated both for the education community and for society in general.
We therefore aim to contribute to the development of Education, and we work with the goal to train professionals who are fully competent in this area. Teachers, educators and researchers who are committed and are capable of efficiently and innovatively responding to the challenges of current and future education. In addition to being a meeting point for reflection and dynamic and quality research in education, the Faculty promotes the construction of collaborative synergies between social and institutional agents in order to build a quality, sustainable education that is based on scientific evidence, but with clear principles of justice, respect and solidarity.
Urtza Garay Ruiz