Informacion_Relaciones-internacionales_Visiting-Students Duplicar 1

Visiting Students

If you are planing to come to our faculty (Faculty of Education of Bilbao) with a mobility exchange programme (Erasmus, America Latina, Other Destinations…), in the following sections you will find all the required information to study with us.


The first three academic years of the degree in Social Education can be studied in Basque or in Spanish (it is recommended a B2 level of Spanish). But in the fourth year each subject is available in an EXCLUSIVE language (this can be Spanish or Basque).

In the degrees of Primary Education and Pre-Primary or Chilhood Education each subject is available in only one language (Spanish, Basque or English ; exceptionally, in two languages). So, it is necessary to look for information about the language to be used in each subject.

In order to follow the subjects of the Minor in Foreign language (Lengua Extranjera) it is compulsory to have a B2 level in English.

Final Degree Project

The Final Degree Project is an annual subject (12 credits). That is why it can not be chosen by those students who stay with us only for a semester.


It is possible to do practices, but we can not ensure them. In addition, students have to take into account that sometimes it is not possible to combine practices with the chosen subjetcs.

Inportant : When practices mean working with children, students must give us a certificate of sexual offences. Concretely, they need a copy for the Faculty and another one for the school.

English Friendly Course (EFC) refers to Undergraduate or Master subjects in which the lecturers are willing to tutor, conduct examinations and/or accept papers in English, although classes are given in Spanish or Basque. They are purposed for international students with an intermediate level of Spanish or Basque, that manage better in English.

