
9 de Mayo 2025

21 de Febrero 2025

  • Izaskun Barba Areso (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
    "Diffusion of Women’s Political Empowerment: Dynamic spatial panel data"

8 de Noviembre 2024

18 de Octubre 2024

​​​11 de Octubre 2024

  • Rafael Wouters (National Bank of Belgium)
    "Fiscal backing inflation and US business cycles"

4 de Octubre 2024

  • Esther Blanco (University of Innsbruck)
    "Targeted Information and Sustainable Consumption: A Field Experiment"

28 de mayo 2024

  • Miriam A. Golden (European University Institute)
    "How Tolerant are Legislators and Citizens of Corruption? Experimental Evidence from Three Countries”

24 de mayo 2024

  • Alaitz Ayarza (UPV/EHU)
    "Determinants of Migration Choices: The Role of Beliefs about Pecuniary and Non-pecuniary Outcomes"

17 de mayo 2024

  • Elisa Failache (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
    "Another Way of Teaching Microeconomics: Impact Evaluation of the CORE Project"

10 de mayo 2024

  • Olatz Roman (European University Institute)
    "Children, Household Specialization and Relationship Quality"

3 de mayo 2024

  • Zafer Kanik (University of Glasgow)
    "A Two-Sector Model of Automation, Wage Inequality, and Productivity"

22 de marzo de 2024

  • Jesús Vázquez (UPV/EHU)
    "Misaligned interest rate expectations and bond term premium measures"

15 de marzo 2024

  • Jaime Millán-Quijano (Navarra Center for International Development)
    "Welfare Eligibility Manipulation: Evidence From Georgia"

8 de marzo 2024

  • Ibai Ostolozaga (UPV/EHU)
    "Borrowing Constraints, Financial Frictions, Misallocation and GDP per worker"

16 de febrero 2024

  • Pello Aspuru (CEMFI)
    "Delaying the coal twilight. Local mines, regulators, and the energy transition"

2 de febrero 2024

  • Carlos Vidal (Universidad de Valencia)
    "Longevidad por cuantía de pensión en España"

26 de enero 2024

  • Marina Diez (UPV/EHU)
    "Gender Differences in Willingness to Guess Revisited: Heterogeneity in a High Stakes Professional Setting"

19 de enero 2024

  • Idoia Aguirre (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
    "The post-covid inflation episode"

10 de enero 2024

17 de noviembre 2023

  • Nagore Iriberri (Ikerbasque y UPV/EHU)
    "Gender gaps in financial literacy: a multi-arm RCT to break the response bias in surveys"

3 de noviembre 2023

  • Juan M. Londono (Federal Reserve Board)
    "The Price of Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Daily Option Expirations"

22 de septiembre 2023

  • Roberto Serrano (Brown University)
    "Meditated (Anti)Persuasive Communication"

19 de junio 2023

  • Sergei Balakin (Monash University)
    "Near-Optimal Storage Strategies in Electricity Markets"

16 de junio 2023

  • Perihan Saygin (University of Florida)
    "Gender Gap in Online Teaching Ratings and the Subsequent Effects on Course Enrollment"

9 de Junio 2023

  • Felipe Livert (UPV/EHU)
    "Electoral outcomes and public housing: Nymbi's political consequence"

21 de abril 2023

  • Javier Gardeazabal (UPV/EHU)
    "Household consumption response to labor market transitions"

5 de abril 2023

  • Holger Strulik (University of Göttingen)
    "Automation and the Fall and Rise of the Servant Economy"

3 de marzo 2023

27 de enero 2023

  • Gergely Horvath (Duke Kunshan University)
    "Network formation and efficiency in linear- quadratic games: An experimental study"

13 de enero 2023

  • Telmo Perez-Izquierdo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
    "The determinants of counterfactual identification in the binary choice model with endogenous regressors"

16 de diciembre 2022

2 de diciembre 2022

  • Jerome Lang (Université Paris-Dauphine)
    "Approval with runoff"

4 de noviembre 2022

  • Mikel Hualde (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
    "On the Aversion to Incomplete Preferences: Indecisiveness and Incomparability"

21 de octubre 2022

  • José De Sousa (University of Paris-Saclay)
    "Trickle-Down Effects of Affirmative Action: A Case Study in France"

14 de octubre 2022

  • Nagore Iriberri (Ikerbasque y UPV/EHU)
    "Gender Gaps at the Academies"

7 de octubre 2022

  • Antonia Diaz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
    "Geographic mobility over the life cycle"

23 de Septiembre 2022

  • Aleix García-Galocha (UPV/EHU)
    "Do Nonstrategic Considerations Matter for Behavior in Games? Experimental Study Informed by Direct-Sum Decompositions of Games"

10 de junio 2022

  • Ander Iraizoz (Paris School of Economics)
    "Saving for retirement through the public pension system: Evidence from the self-employed in Spain"

3 de junio 2022

  • Luis Herrera (UPV/EHU)
    "Learning from news"

27 de mayo 2022

  • Ricardo Serrano-Padial (Drexel University)
    "Competing Narratives at Work: Belief Dynamics throughout the Pandemic"

20 de mayo 2022

  • Pablo Aguilar (Banco de España)
    "Learning the Hard Way: Expectations and the U.S. Great Depression"

13 de mayo 2022

  • Ruzica Savcic (University of Cyprus)
    "Conscription and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Republic of Cyprus"

6 de mayo 2022

  • Oihane Gallo (University of Lausanne)
    "Stable partitions for proportional generalized claims problems"

8 de abril 2022

  • Luis Puch (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
    "News driven housing booms: Spain vs Germany"

25 de marzo 2022

  • Annick Laruelle (IKERBASQUE y UPV/EHU)
    "Linguistic Conventions and Language Segregation for the Basque Language"

11 de febrero 2022

  • Mikel Casares  (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
    "Public health, fiscal policy and financial constraints in a SIR-Macro  model with bonds"

14 de enero 2022

17 de diciembre 2021

  • Annick Laruelle (IKERBASQUE y UPV/EHU)
    "Effects of heterogeneity on cancer: a game theory perspective"

28 de mayo de 2021

  • Aitor Ciarreta (UPV/EHU)
    "Forecasting electricity prices using bid data: Application to OMIE"

14 de mayo de 2021

  • David Martínez de la Fuente (ISEAK)
    “Is It Identity? Parental Preferences for Language Educational Models”

7 de mayo de 2021

  • Joseph-Simon Goerlach (Bocconi University)
    "Terrorism, media coverage and education: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya"

5 de marzo de 2021

  • Aitor Irastorza (Essex University)
    "Robots and Employment in Great Britain: An Industry- and District-Level Analysis"

26 de febrero 2021

  • Nagore Iriberri (Ikerbasque y UPV/EHU)
    "Gender Differences in Peer Recognition by Economists"

15 de enero de 2021

  • Oihane Gallo (Université de Lausanne)
    "Stable partitions for proportional generalized claims problems"

23 de octubre de 2020

  • Julen Zarate Pina (University College London)
    "Preferences over the timing of uncertainty resolution under risk and ambiguity: an experimental approach"