w_en_Department of Analytical Chemistry

Department of Analytical Chemistry

The Department of Analytical Chemistry is divided in two divisions, one located at the Faculty of Science and Technology (Campus of Biscay) and a second at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Campus of Araba). Its staff is composed of more than 50 people including professors, researchers, doctorate students, and administrative assistants.

The research groups of the Department work on very diverse areas of instruction and research related with the development of analytical methods and analysis of environmental samples, natural products, forensics, microfluidics, metabolomics, and heritage conservation.

The teaching activity of the Department at the Faculty of Science and Technology is mainly focused on the Degree in Chemistry, but it is also present in the Bachelor Degrees of Chemical Engineering, Geology, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. With regard to the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Department is involved in the Degrees in Pharmacy, Food Science and Technology, and Environmental Sciences. Besides, professors of the Department also participate in 8 Master Degrees: Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology; Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources; Forensic analysis, Food Quality and Safety; Innovative Enology; Environmental Agrobiology; Landscape Management. Heritage, Land and City; Conservation and Exhibition of Contemporary Art

The Analytical Chemistry Department publishes more than 50 papers each year as a result of the research on the mentioned areas of knowledge, thanks to collaboration with other national and international laboratories, institutions, and private companies in research projects supported by European, Spanish , local and private funds.

Head of department



Olatz Zuloaga Zubieta
ext 3269

Irantzu Martinez Arkarazo
ext 3291