The Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno is in the neighborhood of San Ignacio Bilbao. It is in an area easily accessible to all points of Bilbao. Also located near the metro station Sarriko and bus stops that lead to the different points of Bilbao.
Is specifically:
- 50 meters from the bus stop carrying both Leioa as Deusto.
- 200 meters from metro stop Sarriko
The time it takes to get to the different faculties are:
- 3 minutes walk to the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences Sarriko.
- 15 minute walk and 7 minutes by bus to the University of Deusto.
- 10 minutes by metro to the Engineering School of San Mames.
- 30 minute bus ride to campus Leioa
Miguel de Unamuno Residence Hall
- Address:
- Avda Lehendakari Aguirre, 140.
- Postal Code:
- 48015 Bilbao
- Phone:
- 94 601 7499
- Fax:
- 94 601 7494
- E-mail:
- unamuno@ehu.eus
- unamuno-e.zuzendaria@ehu.eus
- Web:
- Web of the Residence
- Directions See map in:
- "Google maps"