About TSR

About TSR

TSR (Tratamiento de la Señal y Radiocomunicaciones/Signal Processing and Radio Communications) is a research group of the UPV/EHU (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), based in the School of Engineering of Bilbao. Although it was created in the Department of Communications Engineering, the group is currently made up of members from 4 departments: Department of Communications Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Computer Languages and Systems and Department of Electrical Engineering. In 2007, the Basque Government awarded us Group A (Excellent) recognition, which we have maintained since then.


September 2024: The TSR Lab at the SmartGridComm 2024 Conference. Oslo (Norway)

Jon González-Ramos and Javier Vildósola attended the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). 17-20 September. Oslo (Norway).

They presented the following contribution:

  • Influence of the Spectral Pattern of the Conducted Emissions Generated by Electric Vehicle Charging on PRIME v1.4

González-Ramos, J.; López de Samaniego, N.; Angulo, I.; Fernández, I.; Gallarreta, A.; Vildósola, J.; Arrinda, A.; de la Vega, D.