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Collaborations with other entities:
Itelazpi, Spain

ITELAZPI is an operator of telecommunication and signal transport services at regional level in the Basque Country, dependent on the Basque Government.
The TSR Lab has collaborated with this operator since its creation in 2002 in different transmission network planning projects, field tests in the field of broadcasting and other services such as IoT.
This is a list of some of the transfer contracts signed with this entity:
- Cooperation agreement between the UPV/EHU and the ITELAZPI public entity for the execution of various radio broadcasting works. Year 2004.
- Study on the impact of wind farms in the Basque Country on telecommunications services - Phase 1. Year 2009.
- Study on the impact of wind farms in the Basque Country on telecommunications services - Phase 2. Year 2009.
- Impact study of the Montes de Iturrieta, Arkamo and Labraza wind farms on Itelazpi's telecommunications services. Year 2021.
- Impact study of the Azazeta wind farm on Itelazpi's telecommunications services. Year 2021.
- Impact study of the Karakate, Larragorri, Miritxa Buruzai, Ezkeltzu, Kastillo and Trekutz wind farms on telecommunications services in Itelazpi. Year 2022.