


The General Service X-Ray of the University of the Basque Country / EHU aims to support basic and applied research, among others, to the different areas of expertise of Geological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Aeronautics, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Archaeology, Paleontology, Anthropology, Environmental Science. Besides helping to serve in the fields of Construction, Mining Survey, Civil Engineering, etc. Also, it is accessible to researchers from the Basque Science and Technology network, other researchers outside the UPV / EHU, other public and private institutions throughout the national and international level.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Unit (XPS), within the X-Ray General Services of the University of the Basque Country / EHU, includes surface analysis both solid samples and powder samples.

XPS is a nondestructive technique that provides information on the elements present on the surface and on its oxidation state and / or environmental situations (coordination). It can also carry out studies of distribution of elements depending on the depth of the sample, in destructive ways (depth profile, reaching deeper) or non destructive (angular resolution XPS).

The XPS technique allows the study of different types of materials such as metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses, semiconductors, geological samples, dried biological samples, and generally any surface which supports high vacuum systems, in application areas so diverse as adhesion studies, catalysis, corrosion, treatment of surface materials, electronics, metallurgy, surface segregation, analysis layer deposition, etc.