Leire Garmendia Arrieta

Associate Professor accredited to the body of University Professors at the School of Engineering in Bilbao (UPV/EHU), Construction Engineering area.
Academic Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
International PhD with distinction (2010), MSc on Advanced Materials Engineering (2009), BSc (2006) in Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
She worked at TECNALIA in the areas of "Pathology and Rehabilitation" and "Innovation in Rehabilitation and Urban Regeneration" between 2006 and 2016, carrying out engineering/consulting as well as research work. In 2013, she joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering (UPV/EHU, Construction Engineering area) part-time and, in 2016, full-time.
Specialized in building pathologies, her line of research is oriented towards the conservation and adaptation of the built environment. This approach is tackled through a risk analysis to identify needs and develop effective advanced structural reinforcement, energy rehabilitation and, finally, adaptation solutions to impacts derived from climate change, minimizing the vulnerability and risk of the built environment, and improving its resilience through sustainable development.
She has participated in 36 research projects, being IP in 16 (4 European, 1 national, 9 regional and 2 with transfer to industry). She is the author of 22 scientific articles and 40 contributions to international congresses.