
José Tomas San José Lombera


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His main research topics are: Concrete Structures and Technology; Mechanical Behaviour; Reuse of Industrial By-Products in construction; Sustainability Evaluation.

Research Groups: (2013-18) | (2019-21)

Industrial Mechanical Engineer (1991) and doctor engineer (1996), at UPV/EHU in all degrees. Certified as full-professor by The Spanish Government, worked as partial-time assistant professor (1999-2010) and associate professor since 2010 in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao following the National Certificate for Associate Professors in Material Science (2007).

(1992-2011) acted as project manager and researcher (senior, 1997-2011) at Labein-TECNALIA research centre.

(2013-2018) head of a consolidated research group (13 professors and PhDs) and (2019-2021) is a membership of another consolidated research group, both financed by The Basque Government. (2014-2019) responsible of a Master degree in Engineering Advance Materials (UPV/EHU).

He is co-author of over 175 scientific papers (H index=24, more than 1806 citations) and reviewed more than 103 papers in 27 JCR-listed journals, co-editor of 2 books and co-author of 10 book chapters.

He participated in 57 R+D+i national and international projects (43 as the main researcher). He has supervised 20 PhD Thesis (10 international, 3 extraordinary award and 14 industrial) and has participated in 31 examination committees (in 8 as president). He tutored 45 academic works and more than 60 internship students.