
Iñaki Piñero Santiago


Ignacio Piñero Santiago began his career at Tecnalia in 2002 developing several works related to concrete quality control in the Construction Area of Tecnalia. Later, he joined the Pathology and Rehabilitation Department where he led and participated in numerous projects regarding concrete, masonry and steel structures inspection and evaluation. In 2009 he procured the European Master in Project Management (EuroMPM™) at the University of the Basque Country. In 2013, he defended his PhD with a thesis entitled "Methodology to prioritize and plan a sustainable rehabilitation of deteriorated structures".

Currently, he works as a senior researcher at the Infrastructures Department, head of the Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing research line and he is in charge of tunnel and bridge inspections and asset management systems. As relevant works, it is worth highlighting the technical assistance in new construction bridges such as the Galindo bridge by Javier Manterola and the technical assistance in repairing the Contreras bridge in Madrid-Valencia highway. Moreover, it is managing the main inspections of more than 200 bridges of the roads of Guipuzcoa and all the bridges of Bilbao's subway.

He has a lot of relationship with different national and international universities conducting conferences (more than 10), he has co-directed more than 15 Master's Final Projects and co-directed a doctoral thesis. He is also lecturer at the Master of Construction Engineering and member of the Research Group IT781-13: Sustainability, Construction and Materials at the University of the Basque Country.