
Alessandra Gandini


International Doctorate (2017) in Advanced Materials Engineering at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Architect from the Polytechnic of Milan (2006) with a European Master in Project Management (2011) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her doctoral thesis "Risk management for the sustainable development of the historic city, from material to territory" is based on a proactive and conceptual approach to conservation, whose objective is to minimize the loss of cultural property, through a vulnerability study to prevent, mitigate and control the risk factors derived from climate change and minimize its effects on heritage.

Since 2008 she has worked at Tecnalia having assumed different roles: researcher, project manager and technology manager in the area of Cities and Buildings. She has participated and technically and economically managed European projects funded by the European Commission in several programs (CURE, IMPACTOUR, SHELTER, RURITAGE, SHBUILDINGS, EFFESUS, SHCITY, HISTCAPE, EU-CHIC, JOCHERA, SECHURBA, etc.). and development cooperation projects, financed by the Basque Government (FOCAD), mainly in Ecuador. She has been a speaker in several courses in the field of conservation, management of historic cities and risk prevention in Jordan, Cuba and Ecuador.

Previously, she has been a member of the organizing secretariat of the "Third international exhibition of monumental restoration", promoted by ICOMOS and member of the Management of the magazine 'ANAΓKH, magazine of architectural conservation.

Her lines of work focus on energy efficiency and risk management in historic cities; strategies for the management, conservation and enhancement of built heritage and landscapes. She is the author of several scientific articles related to the topics.