QUALIKER research group

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The Qualiker research group at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea is based at the Faculty of Psychology on the Gipuzkoa Campus. It is directed by Nekane Balluerka and has members from different areas of knowledge, which gives the team a multidisciplinary character.

Qualiker's research focuses on the field of health, understanding health as a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease.

Qualiker, from an evidence-based approach, focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of intervention programmes that aim to improve socio-emotional well-being and psychosocial health from infancy to elderly individuals.

Thus, several programmes are proposed to be aimed at the development of socio-emotional competences that act as facilitators of psychosocial adjustment and as protective factors in complex personal and/or social situations (anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, unwanted loneliness, school maladjustment, etc.), problems that generate great suffering for the people who suffer from them and their immediate environment, leading to crucial social and economic implications.

Special attention is also paid to elderly people, as well as to the people in charge of their care and attention, this is due to the new socio-health needs derived from the gradual ageing of the population.

On the other hand, Qualiker is specialized in the methodology for the development and the intercultural adaptation of tests aimed at evaluating variables related to psychosocial health, both to Basque and to Spanish cultures.

Finally, Qualiker has a line of research aimed at responding to the needs arising from COVID-19. In particular, it focuses on preventing serious psychological sequelae (depression, anxiety, stress) and the increase in risk behaviours (tobacco, drug and alcohol consumption) in the Spanish population in general, and in the Basque Country in particular.

The Qualiker group participates in the training of Psychology students, and postgraduate students such as Master's degreein Research and Master's degreeon General Health Psychology. Qualiker also contributes to the training of PhDs within the doctoral programme in Psychology.

Qualiker shares the values of the Faculty of Psychology, highlighting social responsibility, critical spirit, ethical commitment and commitment to excellence. In addition, it contributes to the mission of the Faculty by promoting quality scientific production based on innovation. In this sense, the Qualiker research team aims to be a scientific benchmark for the university's students and for Basque society as a whole.