Our group in Bilbao works on various aspects of quantum information theory related to creation and characterization of quantum entanglement. We are especially interested in entanglement in quantum optical systems, such as cold gases or photonic systems. We also work on quantum metrlogy, in paricular, on using entangled quantum states for quantum enhanced metrlogy.
Group members
Geza Toth
Iagoba Apellaniz
For openings, see [link].
Collaborators from the University
Inigo L. Egusquiza
Gonzalo Muga
Jens Siewert
Maria Luisa Pons
Department secretary
Montserrat Barrio
Former members
Philipp Hyllus
Inigo Urizar Lanz
Zoltan Zimboras
Gabriel Fagundes
Matthias Kleinmann
Gael Sentis
Giuseppe Vitagliano
External web page