Parentalidad Positiva:una mirada a una nueva época
Próxima aparición de un manual Universitario en el ámbito de la parentalidad positiva publicado por la editorial Pirámide
First publication date: 23/03/2022
The exciting but complex educational and upbringing work carried out by fathers and mothers throughout the world in postmodern society is seen as a common social challenge of such magnitude that it requires collaborative solutions. These, in addition, must be as diverse as the needs presented by the family realities throughout their life cycle. Therefore, for the professional who accompanies families, it is necessary to know the most appropriate and effective strategies to promote this task, whether it helps risk groups, the population that presents greater vulnerability or the normalized population. Likewise, the interventions must be adjusted to the field in which they work, be it educational, health, social, or in third sector entities. From this perspective, the reader is offered a broad, deep and interdisciplinary approach to the work of professionals who, based on various approaches, seek to strengthen parental capacities by enhancing protective factors and minimizing their risks.