Asset Publisher

Fernando Olabarrieta Artetxe

Associate Professor


Electronic mail

Academic data


<li>Degree in Psychology at the Pontificia University in Salamanca (1979)</li>

<li>Doctor in Psychology at the University of the Basque Country (2007)</li>


CV summary

Coordinator of the Psychology area at the UEU (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea- Basque Summer University). Co-founder of the Etxadi University Institute of Family Psychology. Co-founding member of the university group Haezi (consolidated group by the UPV/EHU and by the Basque Government in the A category). The main research lines of the group are based on conducting research and knowledge transfer in Positive Parenting. Member of the board of directors of AIFREF (Asociation Internationale de Formation et Recherche en Éducation Familiale) and state representative of RICE (Réseau International de Cités de l'Éducation). Co-chair of the AIFREF congress (Bilbao, 2015) and member of the organizing committee of the congresses of Prague (2017) and La Martinique (2019). Two internal sexennials of research (UPV/EHU) and a sexennial granted by the CNEAI. Author and co-author of numerous scientific and outreach publications, as well as more than 40 transfer contracts with public institutions.

Research lines


<li>Cognitive Development and Language Acquisition. Family Context and Psychological Development.</li>

<li>The Molds of the Mind: Cognitive-Affective Molds.</li>


Scientific journals

Books and chapters

Other publications outreach

  • Numerosas publicaciones sobre parentalidad positiva, guías para madres y padres y sitios Web divulgativos (Ayuntamientos e instituciones públicas).
  • Olabarrieta Artetche, F. Presidencia del XVI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL AIFREF 2015 BILBAO Las ciudades de la educación: el desarrollo psicosocial del/a niño/a a través de la coeducación familia-escuela-comunidad. Código del proyecto: OC15/10. Entidad financiadora: UPV/EHU. 28/07/2015-27/01/2016.
  • Arranz Freijo, E. B; Olabarrieta Artetxe, F; Manzano Fernández, A; Barreto Zarza, F.B.; Etxaniz Aranzeta, A.; Roncallo Andrade, P. (2016). Evaluación preventiva de contextos familiares en el Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Informe Técnico:  1- 35. Evaluación y educación preventiva de familias desde las claves de la parentalidad positiva.  Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
  • Arranz Freijo, E. B; Olabarrieta Artetxe, F; Manzano Fernández, A; Barreto Zarza, F.B.; Etxaniz Aranzeta, A., Roncallo Andrade, P.. (2015). Análisis de los programas y actividades de parentalidad positiva en el ayuntamiento de VItoria-Gasteiz. Informe Técnico: 1- 49. Haezi y Ayto. Vitoria.


Estado laboral: jubilado con contrato relevo.