Asset Publisher

Enrique B. Arranz Freijo



Electronic mail

Academic data


<li>Degree in Psychology. Pontificia University of Salamanca (1979). Homologated by the University of Salamanca (1979).</li>

<li>Clinic Psychology Specialization. Pontificia University of Salamanca (1979).</li>

<li>Degree Thesis. Pontificia University of Salamanca (1979).</li>

<li>Phd. In Psychology. University of the Basque Country (1986).</li>


CV summary

The field of research in which he works is the influence of family context variables on children´ psychological development, within the framework of an ecological, systemic, interactive and epigenetic approach. In 2005, together with Dr. Fernando Olabarrieta and Drs. Ainhoa ​​Manzano and Juan Luis Martín, he founded the Haezi-Etxadi research group, which has carried out intense research and transfer of knowledge to society, materializing in the publication in specialized sources of works showing the influence of the family context on cognitive and socio-emotional development and on the design and validation of positive parenting programs based on evidence, managed through the execution of collaboration contracts with entities that work in the intervention with families. The projection in the future focuses on the production of research that supports the development of public policies aimed at the universal promotion of parental skills that promote healthy psychological development.

Research lines


<li>Basic research in the family context, parental skills and child and adolescent psychological development.</li>

<li>Theoretical and methodological models of research in human psychological development.</li>

<li>Family assessment and intervention from the perspective of the evidence-based positive parenting (P+) approach.</li>

<li>Transfer of knowledge to the design of public policies for family empowerment, to the training of professionals and to the general population of families.</li></ul>

Scientific journals

Books and chapters

Outreach publications

  • Arranz Freijo, E. (2021). Interview about babies and screens. The mail. Alava
  • Arranz Freijo, E. (2019). Interviews for the BBK Family project.
  • Arranz Freijo, E. (2018). Interview at the headquarters of Pamplona Trained Parents. 
  • Arranz Freijo, E. (2017). Interview on Radio Euskadi, La Mecánica del Caracol. Breastfeeding and cognitive development.

Supervised doctoral dissertations

  • Maria Juncal Yubero Solanilla (15.01.1996). Hospitalization in early childhood, effects on socio-affective adjustment: an observational study.  Apto cum laude. 
  • Ainhoa Manzano Fernández (05.06.2005). Preliminary identification of gifted children. Family influences in the evolution of giftedness. Sobresaliente cum laude. Extraordinary doctorate award.
  • Arantzazu Bellido Ituño (21.12.2009). Family context and aggressive behavior in 8-year-old children.Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel. 
  • María José Inchausti Gabilondo (26.03.2010). Building relationships in educational environments for children (0-6): the interview in the nursery school. Sobresaliente cum laude. 
  • Nuria Galende Pérez (15.11.2010). Family context and development of theory of mind in 5-year-old children. Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel.
  • David Velasco Ortiz (24.01.2014). Evaluation of the family context and cognitive development in 2-year-old children. Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel.
  • Patxi Baigorri Zia (25.09.2015). Analysis of the influence of the family context on the cognitive development of 4-year-old boys and girls. Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel.
  • Claudia Patricia Roncallo Andrade (14.12.2018). From the prenatal bond to the postnatal bond. Implications in early psychological development. Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel.
  • Florencia Belén Barreto Zarza (08.07.2019). Family context and children´s psychological development in a population-based cohort study. Sobresaliente cum laude. Co-supervised with Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Miguel. International mention doctorate.
  • Ainhize Agirregoikoa López (20.12.2019). Hizkuntzaren Nahasmendu Espezifikoa eta Dislexia: aldagai iragarleen analisi ebolutiboa eta familia-testuinguruaren eragina.  Co-supervised with Dra. Joana Acha Morcillo. 



  • Family Psychology, optional subject, degree in Psychology. UPV/EHU
  • Family Psychology, optional subject offered in English, Erasmus Program.

Post degree

  • Master in Psychology: Individual, Group, Organization and Culture. Development research: contextual and neuropsychological aspects. UPV/EHU.
  • Master in Psychology of Organizations and Psychosocial Intervention. Preventive interventions in P+. UPV/EHU.
  • Master in General Health Psychology. Family intervention from the P+ approach

External teaching

  • Master's Degree in Permanent Training in Child Development and Early Care. Family context and child development. University of Valencia.
  • Own master's degree in early care: prevention and promotion of child development. Family context and child development. University of Murcia.