Polimerization processes publications 2006

Polymerization processes group's publications

  1. A. IMAZ, M. AYERBE, J. RAMOS, J. FORCADA. "Synthesis and Characterization of Saccharide Based Latex Particles". J. POLYM. SCI. PART A: POLYM. CHEM. 44(1), 443 (2006).

  2. J. RAMOS, J. FORCADA. "Modeling the Emulsion Polymerization of Amino-Functionalized Latex Particles". POLYMER 47, 1405 (2006).

  3. F. ALARCIA, J.C. DE LA CAL, J.M. ASUA. "Process Intensification in the Production of Specialty Waterborne Polymers". MACROMOL. MAT. ENG. 291(4), 428 (2006).

  4. J.L. SANTOS,  J.M. ASUA, J.C. DE LA CAL. "Modeling of Olefin Gas-Phase Polymerization in the Multizone Circulating Reactor". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 45(9), 3081 (2006).

  5. A. AREVALILLO, M. DO AMARAL, J.M. ASUA. "Rheology of Concentrated Polymeric Dispersions". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 45(9), 3280 (2006).

  6. F. ALARCIA, J.C. DE LA CAL, J.M. ASUA. "Scheduling the Production of a Portfolio of Emulsion Polymers in a Single CSTR". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 45(10), 3711 (2006).

  7. J. RAMOS, A. COSTOYAS, J. FORCADA. "Kinetics of the Batch Cationic Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene: A Comparative Study with the Anionic Case". J. POLYM. SCI. PART A: POLYM. CHEM. 44(15), 4461-4478 (2006).

  8. S. LU, J. FORCADA. "Preparation and Characterization of Magnetite Polymeric Composite Particles by Miniemulsion Polymerization".  J. POLYM. SCI., PART A: POLYM CHEM 44(13), 4187-4203 (2006).

  9. I. GONZALEZ, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA. "Exploring the Limits of Branching and Gel Content in the Emulsion Polymerization of n-BA". MACROMOLECULES, 39(15), 5015 (2006).

  10. I. URDAMPILLETA, A. GONZALEZ, J.J. IRUIN, J.C. DE LA CAL,  J.M. ASUA. "Origins of Product Heterogeneity in Spheripol hiPP Process". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 45(12), 4178 (2006).

  11. M. GOICOECHEA, M.J. BARANDIARAN, J.M. ASUA. "Entry of Hydrophilic Radicals into Latex Particles". MACROMOLECULES, 39(15), 5165 (2006).

  12. F. ALARCIA, J.C. DE LA CAL, J.M. ASUA. "Continuous Production of Specialty Waterborne Adhesives: Tuning the Adhesive Performance". CHEM. ENG. J. 122 (3), 127(2006

  13. V. HERRERA, R. PIRRI, J.R. LEIZA , J.M. ASUA. "Effect of in-situ Produced Block Copolymer on Latex Particle Morphology".MACROMOLECULES 39(20), 6969  (2006)

  14. I. GONZALEZ, G. ARZAMENDI, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA. "Unexpected Crosslinking During Acetoacetoxy Group Protection on Waterborne Crosslinkable Latexes". MACROMOL. MAT. & ENG. 291, 1185 (2006). 

  15. T. WANG, C-H LEI, A.B. DALTON, C. CRETON, Y. LIN, K.A.S. FERNANDO, Y-P. SUN, M. MANEA,  J.M. ASUA, J.L. KEDDIE. "Waterborne Nanocomposite Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives with High Tack Energy, Optical Transparency, and Electrical Conductivity".Advanced Materials, (Weinheim, Germany) 18(20), 2730-2734, 2006.

  16. I. GONZALEZ, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA. "Crosslinking in Acetoacetoxy Functional Waterborne Crosslinkable Latexes". MACROMOL. SYMP. 243, 53 (2006). 

Book Chapters

  1. J.C. DE LA CAL, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA. "Génie de procédés et modélisation de la polymérisation en émulsion" in Latex Synthetiques : Elaboration et Applications, J.C. Daniel, C. Pichot (Ed.). Editions Tec & Doc Lavoisier, France. Chapter 12, 2006. ISBN :2-7430-0820-2.