Polimerization processes publications 2005

Polymerization processes group's publications

  1. M. DO AMARAL, A. ROOS, J.M. ASUA, C. CRETON. "Assesing the Effect of Particle Size and Particle Size Distribution on the Rheological and Adhesive Properties of Model Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Films". J. OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCES, 281(2), 325-338 (2005).

  2. R. GESTHUISEN, S. KRÄMER, G. NIGGEMANN, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA. "Determining the Best Reaction Calorimetry Technique: Theoretical Development". COMPUTER & CHEM. ENG. 29(2), 349 (2005).

  3. L. BOUVIER-FONTES, R. PIRRI, JOSÉ M. ASUA, JOSÉ R. LEIZA. "Seeded Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization of BA with Crosslinkers". MACROMOLECULES, 38(4), 1164 (2005)

  4. M. BRADLEY, J. RAMOS, B. VINCENT. "Equilibrium and Kinetic Aspects of the Uptake of Poly(ethylene oxide) by Copolymer Microgel Particles of N-Isopropylacrylamide and Acrylic Acid". LANGMUIR, 21(4), 1209 (2005).

  5. E. ARAMENDIA, M.J. BARANDIARAN, J. GRADE, T. BLEASE, J.M. ASUA. "Improving Water Sensitivity in Acrylic Films Using Surfmers". LANGMUIR 21(4), 1428 (2005).

  6. M. DO AMARAL, A. BOGNER, C. GAUTHIER, G. THOLLET, P.H. JOUNEAU, J.Y. CAVAILLE, J.M. ASUA. "Novel Experimental Technique for the Determination of Monomer Droplet Size in Miniemulsion". MACROMOL. RAPID. COMMUN. 26(5), 365 (2005).

  7. L. BOUVIER-FONTES, R. PIRRI, S. MAGNET, J.M. ASUA, JOSE R. LEIZA. "Effect of the Diacrylate Ester Size on the Semicontinuous Crosslinking Emulsion Copolymerization of BA". MACROMOLECULES 38(7), 2722 (2005).

  8. I. URDAMPILLETA, A. GONZALEZ, J.J. IRUIN, J.C. DE LA CAL, J.M. ASUA. "Morphology of High Impact Polypropylene Particles". MACROMOLECULES 38(7), 2795 (2005).

  9. G. ARZAMENDI, A. D'ANJOU, M. GRAÑA, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA. "Model Reduction in Emulsion Polymerization Using Hybrid First Principles/Artificial Neural Networks Models: II.- Long Chain Branching Kinetics". MACROMOLECULAR THEORY & SIMULATIONS.14(2), 125 (2005) M.J. BARANDIARAN, J.M. ASUA. "Removal of Monomers and VOCs from Polymers" in Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering.T. Meyer; J. Keurentjes (Eds.). Wiley-VCH Weinheim, Germany, 2005. ISBN 3-527-31014-2.

  10. J.C. DE LA CAL, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA, A. BUTTE, G. STORTI, M. MORBIDELLI. "Emulsion Polymerization" in Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering.T. Meyer; J. Keurentjes (Eds.). Wiley-VCH Weinheim, Germany, 2005. ISBN 3-527-31014-2.

  11. M. AZPEITIA, JOSE R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA. "Safety in Emulsion Polymerization Reactors: An Experimental Study". MACROMOLECULAR MATERIAL AND ENGINEERING.290, 242 (2005).

  12. R. SALAZAR, P. ILUNDAIN, D. ALVAREZ, L. DA CUNHA, M.J. BARANDIARAN, J.M. ASUA. "Elimination of Residual Monomer and Volatile Organic Compounds by Devolatilization". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 44 (11), 4042 (2005).

  13. M. DO AMARAL, S. VAN ES, J.M. ASUA. "Combining Process and Property Models: Development of Novel Reaction Strategies for High Solids-Low Viscosity Latexes". J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 97(3), 733 (2005.

  14. O. ELIZALDE, M. AZPEITIA, M.M. REIS, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA.  "Monitoring Emulsion Polymerization Reactors: Calorimetry vs. Raman Spectroscopy". IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. 44 (18), 7200 (2005).

  15. J. FORCADA, R. HIDALGO-ALVAREZ. "Functionalized Polymer Colloids: Synthesis and Colloidal Stability". CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.9, 1067 (2005).

  16. M. DO AMARAL, H. DE BROUWER, S. VAN ES, J.M. ASUA. "Novel Industrial Application of Miniemulsion Polymerization – Use of Alkali Soluble Resin as Surfactant in Miniemulsion Polymerization". MACROMOL. SYMP. 226, 167 (2005).

  17. J. RAMOS, J. FORCADA. "Polymeric and Colloidal Features of Latex Particles With Surface Amino Groups Obtained by Semicontinuous Seeded Cationic Emulsion Polymerization". J. POLYM. SCI. PART A: POLYM. CHEM.  43(17), 3878 (2005).

  18. J. MEULDIJK, J.R. LEIZA. "Emulsion Copolymerization. Process Strategies and Morphology" in Chemistry and Technology of Emulsion Polymers, chapter 4, Alex van Herk (Ed.), Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 1-4051-2113-0.

  19. J. CHAUVET, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA.  "Independent Control of Sol Molar Mass and Gel Content in Acrylate Polymer/Latexes". POLYMER 46, 9555 (2005). 

  20. O. ELIZALDE, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA.  "Monitoring of Emulsion Polymerization Reactors by Raman Spectroscopy: Calibration Model Maintenance". APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, 59 (10), 1280 (2005).

  21. O. ELIZALDE, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA.  "Monitoring of High Solids Content Starved Semibatch Emulsion Copolymerization Reactions by FT-Raman Spectroscopy". APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, 59 (10), 1270 (2005).

  22. L. BOUVIER-FONTES, R. PIRRI, J.M. ASUA, J.R. LEIZA.  "Cross-linking Emulsion Copolymerization of BA with Diallyl Maleate". J. POLYM. SCI. PART A: POLYM. CHEM.43, 4684 (2005). D. LI., J.R. LEIZA, R.A. HUTCHINSON.  "High Temperature Free Radical Copolymerization with Depropagation and Penultimate Kinetic Effects". MACROMOL. THEORY & SIMUL.14, 554 (2005).