Polimer science 2004

Polymer science group's publications

  • A. GONZÁLEZ, L. IRUSTA, M.J. FERNÁNDEZ-BERRIDI, M. IRIARTE and J.J. IRUIN. "Miscibility behaviour of amorphous poly(3-hydroxy butyrate) (a-PHB)/styrene-vinyl phenol copolymer (STY-co-VPH) blends applying an association model". POLYMER 45, 1477-1481 (2004).

  • A. GARCIA, M. IRIARTE, C. URIARTE, J.J. IRUIN, A. ETXEBERRIA, J. del RIO. "Antiplasticization of a polyamide: a positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy study". POLYMER 45, 2949-2957 (2004).

  • A. GONZÁLEZ,  M. IRIARTE, P.J. IRIONDO and J.J. IRUIN. "Miscibility and carbon dioxide transport properties of  poly(3-hydroxy butyrate) (i-PHB) and its blends with different copolymers of styrene and vinyl phenol". POLYMER 45, 4139-4147 (2004).