Polymer processing 2000

Polymer processing group's publications

  1. B. E. RUIZ DE GAUNA, M. GAZTELUMENDI, J. NAZABAL. "Structure and Mechanical Properties of Fast Cooled and Annealed Poly(phenylene sulfide)/Vectra A Blends". POLYMER COMPOSITES, 21, 72-83 (2000).
  2. M. GAZTELUMENDI, J. NAZABAL. "Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Blends of Polycarbonate and Segmented Copolyetherester". POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 40, 430-440 (2000).
  3. G. GUERRICA-ECHEVARRIA, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "The interfacial tension as a parameter to characterize the miscibility level of polymer blends". POLYMER TESTING 19, 849-854 (2000).
  4. S. BASTIDA, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "Structure and properties of injection moulded blends of poly(ether imide) and a thermotropic copolyester". JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 35, 153-158 (2000).
  5. R. ERRO, M. GAZTELUMENDI, J. NAZABAL. "Effects of the chemical structure on the miscibility level and properties of phenoxy/polymethacrylate blends". JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 77, 2978-2986 (2000).
  6. G. GUERRICA-ECHEVARRIA, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "Morphology and mechanical properties of direct injection molded polypropylene/Rodrun blends". POLYMER COMPOSITES 21, 864-871 (2000).
  7. G. GUERRICA-ECHEVARRIA, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "Solvent sorption and its influence on the mechanical properties of talc filled PP". JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE, PHYSICS B39, 441-457 (2000).
  8. F. J. VALLEJO, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "Compatibilizacion of PP/Vectra B "in situ" composites by means of an ionomer". POLYMER 41, 6311-6321 (2000).
  9. G. GUERRICA-ECHEVARRIA, J. I. EGUIAZABAL, J. NAZABAL. "Solvent sorption effects on the structure and mechanical properties of PP/Rodrun blends". JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE, POLYMER PHYSICS EDITION 38, 1090-1100 (2000).