Javier Santamaria

Javier Santamaria

Associate Professor

Holds a Mechanical Engineering degree and an MSc from the University of the Basque Country. Doctoral Thesis on railway dynamics simulation.

Has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Bilbao School of Engineering since November 2000, following a brief professional experience as a structural engineer. His teaching is primarily focused on Structural Analysis and Strength of Materials.

The research activity during these years has been focused on railway dynamics, track dynamics, rail corrugation, Wheel-Rail contact, rolling friction, and rolling profile optimisation.

His research contributions include 22 JCR-indexed publications (15 in Q1), 35 conference contributions, participation in 18 research projects (serving as Principal Investigator in some of them and including 6 European projects), currently acting as co-Principal Investigator in an ongoing European project and 1 patent.

His research team was awarded the prestigious V TALGO Technological Research Prize in 2005, the Best Poster Presentation Prize at the 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks in 2015, and the Best Applied Research Prize at the XIX National Congress on Mechanical Engineering in 2012.

He collaborates with Euskal Trenbide Sarea – Basque Railway Network (ETS-RFV) as part of a research team working to reduce rail corrugation growth in metro lines.