
Hesi Berdea

The Hesi Berdea project, that is the Green Fence, focuses on studying the effectiveness of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) as estrategies to improve the health of school populations in urban environments with high exposure to pollution and low access to green areas.

Environmental and noise pollution is an important determinant of health that is even more important in urban settings, where it is one of the most relevant causes of avoidable mortality. The impact of pollution on health is especially relevant in the most vulnerable populations such as children. School environments in areas of high urban density are places where pollution peaks, mainly due to nearby traffic around schools. Studies in our context have shown the importance that pollution levels in school environments have on health variables and factors such as academic performance and childhood obesity. Environmental pollution is also a factor that leads to social inequalities in health. Nature-based solutions can be an effective tool to reduce such pollution and offer added health benefits from increased exposure to nature.

This study aims to evaluate the impact of a green wall on the reduction of environmental and noise pollution, the improvement of children's health and well-being, and the perception of the school community with respect to the green wall in the Atxuri school in Bilbao.

In addition to contributing to the generation of evidence in this area, this project aims to provide guidelines for the use of this type of solution in other schools or neighbourhoods exposed to high levels of pollution and reduced access to green areas. Nature-based solutions offer relevant advantages, not only because of their ability to function as barriers to pollution, but also because the presence of nature in the city has an effect on health and well-being in itself.

In addition, and given the social pattern of exposure to environmental pollution, the measure has a potential to reduce social inequality in health. Improving health and reducing health inequalities are two of the most socially relevant objectives.

The project has been funded by the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport of the Basque Government (BAI+D+i programme), and BioDonostia, Talaia, the parent`s association and the school community of the Atxuri school, and the OPIK research group of the UPV/EHU are participating.


Project informative video (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb_Tw4IH5OI 
Installation of the wall and first measurements (in Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ajUpqQ03pM