Traffic analysis
- Comparing network traffic probes based on commodity hardware The Thirteenth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2014). Nice, France. February 23-27, 2014
- Traffic Analysis in High-Speed Networks. A Research Line for Designing and Modelling Traffic Monitoring Solutions 2nd Workshop Future Internet, Efficiency in High-Speed Networks (W-FIERRO 2012). Cartagena, Spain. July 19-20, 2012; 978-84-96997-90-5
- Modeling Packet Processing Time in a Multiprocessor Network Traffic Monitoring System The 2012 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '12). Las Vegas (Nevada), USA. July 16-19, 2012
- Modelling Packet Capturing in a Traffic Monitoring System based on Linux 2012 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS '12). Genoa, Italy. July 8-11, 2012; 978-1-4673-2235-5
- Network architecture to automatically test traffic monitoring systems Mosharaka International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (MIC-CSP2012). Barcelona, Spain. April 6-8, 2012
- Modeling a Multiprocessor Traffic Capturing and Analysis System 1st Workshop Future Internet, Efficiency in High-Speed Networks (W-FIERRO 2011). Cartagena, Spain. July 7-8, 2011; 978-84-96997-69-1
- New Approaches for Modeling High Speed Network Traffic Analysis Systems: Performance Evaluation 2nd EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, 2008
- Ksensor: Multithreaded kernel-level probe for passive QoS monitoring 2007 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2007). Hsinchu, Taiwan. 5-7 Dec., 2007
- A Kernel-Level Monitor over Multiprocessor Architectures for High-Performance Network Analysis with Commodity Hardware 2007 Internationa Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SensorComm 2007). Valencia, Spain. 14-20 Oct., 2007
- Software Architecture Based on Multiprocessor Platform to Apply Complex Intrusion Detection Techniques 2005 IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Techniques. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. October 11-14, 2005
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