International intensification mention

Explanatory memorandum

The University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) backs the internationalisation of education to give its students language, cultural and training skills to equip them to face the future with the best chance of meeting the challenges of a globalised society. These skills are highly valued by organisations and businesses when selecting their staff.

It is therefore considered important for students graduating from the university who meet certain requirements to have their international profile recognised in the European Diploma Supplement (DS).

The office of the Vice-rectorate of Transference and Internationalisation of the UPV/EHU will award an International Intensification Mention to students who are studying for a bachelor’s or master's degree and meet specific requirements.

Article 1.- Requirements

The International Intensification Mention can be awarded to students who meet the following requirements upon completion of their bachelor's or master's degree studies:

  1. Having studied a minimum of 15 credits in foreign languages on a bachelor's degree course (excluding the practicum and final dissertation) or master's degree course (excluding the practicum and final dissertation) at the UPV/EHU or having studied a minimum of 3 training credits in intercultural skills by following the “Intercultural competences” course to be offered by the UPV/EHU and coordinated by the office of the Vice-rectorate of Basque, Culture and Internationalization.
  2. Having done an international placement of at least three months for study or practicum purposes on a bachelor's or master's degree course, under a UPV/EHU agreement or exchange programme.
  3. Having reached level C1 or higher in the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in a foreign language through the external diplomas or certificates accepted in the tables of equivalence drawn up by the Spanish University Rectors' Conference (CRUE) or in the table of recognition of language certificates used by the Higher Education Language Centre Association (ACLES).

Article 2.- Procedure

The supplement will be awarded to students who meet the said requirements before completing their bachelor's or master's degree studies, and have accredited this compliance before applying for their official degree.

The university will verify that the requirements set forth in points 1 and 2 have been met and the students in question must prove that they have the language level specified in point 3.

On an exceptional basis, students graduating in the academic year 2017/2018 to whom the DS has been awarded may apply for a new DS which includes the distinction after returning the first document.

Article 3.- Processing applications

The office of the vice-rector for international coordination and relations will consider the applications lodged and, in cases where the requirements are met, will authorise inclusion of the International Intensification Mention in the European Degree Supplement.

Article 4.- Note in the European Degree Supplement

Students who meet the conditions to earn the International Intensification Mention to their bachelor's or master's degree will be awarded the pertinent distinction by the UPV/EHU.

This distinction will be shown in the DS so that they can make whatever use of it they see fit.

The text to include in section 6.1. on Additional Information in the DS will be the following: “Gained the International Intensification Mention awarded by the UPV/EHU in accordance with the decision by the University Senate on 7th June 2018”.


Additional Provision

All students completing their bachelor's or master's degree studies in the academic year 2017-2018 or subsequently.

Final Provision

This International Intensification Mention will enter force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Basque Country.


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