2016 International Credit Mobility

2016 International Credit Mobility

 The project awarded in the 2016 call will last from 1 June 2016 until 31 July 2018.

The universities taking part in this project are the following:


Type of mobility Erasmus+ scholarship Aid for travel costs Number of mobilities per country
Incoming students €800 per month (maximum of 5 months with scholarship) From €360to €1100 depending on the distance Russian Federation: 14
Georgia: 12
China: 2
Ukraine: 21
Incoming faculty €120 per day (maximum of 5 days with scholarship, excluding travel days) From €360to €1100 depending on the distance Russian Federation: 4
Georgia: 2
China: 1
Ukraine: 5
Outgoing students €650 per month (maximum of 5 months with scholarship) From €360to €1100 depending on the distance Russian Federation: 9
Georgia: 13
China: 0
Ukraine: 0
Outgoing staff €160 per day (maximum of 5 days with scholarship, without counting the days of travel) From €360to €1100 euro depending on the distance Russian Federation: 4
Georgia: 2
China: 1
Ukraine: 3


NEWS: Resolution of the award of Erasmus+ 2017/18 grants to students from universities in Georgia, Russian Federaton, China and Ukraine  (PDF)

Call to select Faculty Staff for mobilities from universities in the Ukraine, Georgia, China and Russian Federation to UPV/EHU (Spain)

Resolution of the award of Erasmus+ 2016/17 grants to students from universities in Georgia, Russian Federaton, China and Ukraine  (PDF)