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Paperwork and documentation

STEP 1. Choice of center and courses at the UPV/EHU

A.- Confirm that your university has an exchange agreement with the UPV/EHU and that it includes the Faculty or School you are interested in.

B.- Once you have confirmed that there is an agreement, you should contact the Study Abroad or International Relations coordinator from your home university in order to learn about the application procedures, forms and deadlines.

Important: Read the section "IMPORTANT ASPECTS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT" before choosing a centre and the subjects to take.

STEP 2. First documentation and online registration. Approval of your university

A.- If you are given approval, the Abroad/International Relations coordinator from your home university must send by email the following forms to

  • Application form duly completed.
  • Scanned copy of your passport. The passport must be valid for the whole length of your stay. We would need your passport number to prepare your acceptance letter required to apply for your student visa.

This documentation will be sent to the center where the student will be hosted, for the admission, and to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

B.- Once you have been accepted by our Faculty, you will receive an invitation to complete your online registration. LINK TO THE INCOMING EXCHANGE STUDENT APPLICATION GUIDE.

Important: the communication in this first phase of admission will be exclusively with your Study Abroad/International Relations coordinator (for example, if there are questions or changes of the chosen courses).

STEP 3. Admission letter

Once you have been accepted, we will send your home university by email the scanned letter of acceptance digitally signed; which is essential to start the visa procedures.

STEP 4. Other paperwork before your arrival at UPV/EHU

You must get your student visa. Following the recommendations of SEPIE- Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education, we would be grateful if you could send a message to when you apply for the visa (only for appointments made from outside Spain).

You must prepare the dossier for your enrollment that must be handed in the secretary's office of your center at your arrival. To prepare the dossier you will need to contact your Study Abroad/International Relations Coordinator at UPV/EHU.


STEP 5: Arrival at the UPV/EHU

A.- After your arrival, if you have questions regarding the courses you will follow during your stay, do not hesitate to ask your Study Abroad/International Relations coordinator at UPV/EHU. The Learning Agreement, that was signed before your arrival, is provisional; so you will be able to add or modify courses, if both your home institution coordinator and the UPV/EHU coordinator agree.

Remember that in order to enroll as an exchange student in the UPV/EHU you will need to be previously enrolled in your home institution.

B.- Go to the nearest Help Centre for visiting students in order to receive information regarding the activities offered in each Campus (Spanish and Basque courses, sport or cultural activities, WIFI and so on) and assistance in finding lodging.

STEP 6. At the end of your stay at UPV/EHU

Before leaving the UPV/EHU, do not forget to:

  • Visit the international relations coordinator in your Faculty/School to inform of your departure date and obtain your Transcript of Records (or learn if it will sent directly to your home coordinator and when).

  • If your home institution requires a certificate of attendance, it must be signed by the Faculty/School´s coordinator.

  • Remember you should agree on the terms you leave your accommodation, turn in your key and get your deposit back.

  • Close your bank account and credit cards opened during your stay.

  • Return all library books you borrowed.