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2nd Euskadi Symposium on Extracellular Vesicles. EusEV-2024

Promoting local interactions in the field of extracellular vesicles for fostering diagnostic and therapeutic applications of EVs

Erakunde antolatzaileak: UPV/EHUko Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatea eta CIC bioGUNE-BRTA

Jardueraren informazioa: 

Abstract submission: July 17, 2024-September 15, 2024

Abstracts will have a maximum length of 300 words (excluding title, list of authors and affiliations). The presenting author will appear in the first position. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to the following address: The Scientific Committee will select some of the works for presentation as oral communications.

Registration: September 5, 2024-September 15, 2024

There will be a universal registration fee of 40 euros to be paid into the following bank account: ES06 2095 0292 9091 2420 7423

Proof of payment should be sent to the following address:


  • Aintzane Apraiz (UPV/EHUko Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatea)
  • Aintzane Asumendi (UPV/EHUko Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatea)
  • María Dolores Boyano (UPV/EHUko Medikuntza eta Erizaintza Fakultatea)
  • Juan Manuel Falcón-Pérez (CIC bioGUNE-BRTA)

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