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  • Ability to bring together skills and knowledge that allow for the creation of artistic ceramic formalisations destined to provide new creative and professional strategies.
  • Ability to plan and integrate interdisciplinary knowledge that makes it possible to view formal functions, of identity and practices related to the nature of ceramics.
  • Ability to systematise in training, developing individual and collaborative skills that make research projects in the areas of ceramics and fine arts possible.
  • Acquiring and gaining experience with those skills inherent to ceramic design, which involve multidisciplinary knowledge whilst understanding the need to tailor the material, shape and context.
  • Acquiring critical resources and attitudes, in both conceptualisation and the processes for the configuration of ceramic projects in public spaces and in nature.
  • Acquiring strategies that involve the analysis and creation of ceramic sculpture projects to develop the capacity for autonomy through personal reflection and the consideration of the presuppositions of current art.
  • Conceptual and technical training on ceramic seriation and its aesthetic projection, integrating production systems into artistic and architectonic formalisations.
  • Developing a practical and theoretical understanding of ceramic systems which leads to the understanding, running and completion of a project in an urban setting, while complying with requirements, rigor and social responsibility.
  • Developing abilities and skills which include critical values, making it possible to establish new forms of artistic communication in the context of contemporary culture.
  • Developing communication skills and processes from the configuration of IT resources.

XSL Content

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