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Knowledge area
Nursing II
Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
Electronic mail

Idoia Zarrazquin Arizaga has a degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2003) and a degree in Pharmacy (2007) from the University of Navarra. She has held a PhD in Physiology from the UPV/EHU since 2012. Her teaching experience began as a pre-doctoral research fellow of the Basque Government. Since then she has taught practical and theoretical classes in the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry, in the diploma and degree of Nursing and in the Experience Classrooms of the UPV/EHU. She currently teaches Pharmacology, Clinical Nursing and Nutrition and Health in the Nursing Degree. She also participates in the coordination and teaching of the Master's Degree in Active Ageing and Quality of Life of the UPV/EHU. She has been a full member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics since 2017. She has carried out work placements internationally (Ghent and the UZ Gent Hospital), and has also worked in the clinical field, as a Dietitian-Nutritionist. Her research career is linked to the field of quality of life, focusing in recent years in the field of ageing, life habits and nutrition. She has participated in 22 research projects on this subject, in national and international congresses, and has published 18 articles in journals of international impact. She has also supervised a multitude of end-of-degree and end-of-Master's degree projects, as well as a doctoral thesis.

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