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Knowledge area
Social Psychology
Faculty of Pharmacy
Electronic mail

I am a DOCTOR IN PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH and I have been working as a RESEARCHER in the GALDAKAO-USANSOLO HOSPITAL for 12 years. Since 2019 I have been working as a TEACHER for the Department of Social Psychology of the UPV/EHU. In addition, I am a research member of the RETIC Network for Research in Health Services and Chronic Diseases (REDISSEC) (RED 12/001/0001), and a member of the EMPRO group of evaluators. In these years I have participated in several competitive projects subsidized by the Basque Government Health Department and by the Carlos III Institute, and in different publications with impact factor, both national and international. I have 2 publications in the first decile, 16 publications in the first quartile, 12 in the second quartile, 12 in the third and 2 in the fourth. The citation report summarizes the following: H index 13, total number of times cited 439, average number of citations per element 10.21, articles in which 409 are cited: Epidemiology, psychometry, quality of life, chronic disease, health psychology, health services, and predictive models. In addition, I have experience in conducting psychological support groups for clinical trials; conducting and coordinating Delphi studies; translating, and validating questionnaires; and I have been a reviewer for journals, such as Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Clinical Psychology & psychotherapy, and PloS ONE.

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