
XSL Content


  • Academically and publicly communicate the results of scientific research both in writing and orally.
  • Analysing the theoretical and practical aspects of the creation of multimedia content related to teaching and learning as research topics.
  • Being able to discern which research techniques and instruments, provided by earlier theoretical and empirical research, are the most suitable for a specific scientific research project.
  • Cooperatively working in multidisciplinary groups and intercultural contexts.
  • Desarrollar una conducta responsable en el uso didáctico de los distintos entornos digitales, respentando la audiencia y las normas de básicas de convivencia.
  • Design a teaching innovation project linked to educational technology and a field of professional intervention, responding to the needs and demands posed by society and education.
  • Designing, applying and evaluating tools for the creation and management of social networks in the field of research.
  • Formulate, synthesise and develop theoretical knowledge based on applying the methodological process to scientific research.
  • Further understanding the use of learning strategies focussed on the student and equal access to appropriate resources and digital tools.
  • Knowing and applying specific technical knowledge in new environments and contexts in which the scientific research process is being developed.
  • Knowing and developing new teaching and learning processes with the new functionalities of the ICTs.
  • Knowing how to critically analyse the theoretical and empirical background for scientific research.
  • Knowing, using and evaluating existing and emerging digital tools in order to locate, analyse, evaluate and use information resources to support research and learning.
  • Plan, carry out, present and defend a scientific research project.
  • Promoting the secure, legal and ethical use of digital information and the ICTs, including respect for copyrights, intellectual property and the documentation gained from information sources.
  • Put new ideas into practice, integrating the concepts and procedures specific to the area of educational technology and teaching innovation, acting with confidence and determination in the face of uncertainty.
  • Researching the design, application and evaluation of relevant learning experiences which incorporate digital tools and resources in order to promote educational innovation.
  • Researching the influence of learning environments enriched by ICTs, including face-to-face, e-learning and blended learning, which allow all students to satisfy their individual curiosity and become active participants in determining their own learning objectives, in managing that learning and evaluating their progress.
  • Respecting gender, race and religious equality as well as the culture of peace, and integrating solutions to these issues into technical proposals.
  • Understanding and knowing how to use educational resources based on the ICTs for their use in teaching and research.
  • Understanding and respecting the ethical and social implications of decisions made during the performance of professional tasks and scientific research.
  • Understanding the scientific methodological process of formulating hypotheses, theoretical testing, experimental testing, systematic validation, drawing of conclusions, etc. in a specific scientific research project.
  • Understanding the tendencies and latest advances in the ICTs orientated towards teaching and learning research.
  • Using technological resources in the transfer of knowledge.