MAL irakasleak

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Knowledge area
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

Graduate of Economics (1991) and Graduate of Social and Cultural Anthropology (2010). Professor at this university since 1994. Research areas: labor markets, innovation systems, territorial development, economic impact analysis using techniques based on the Input Output Tables, among others.

Collaborator in several books: Industrializaziotik desindustrializaziora? Euskal Herria kapitalismoaren garapenaren testuinguruan (1995); Labor Insertion from the University-Lan-Txertaketa Unibertsitatetik (2000); Ekonomia sozialaren erronkak kapitalismo globalean (2004); Economic impact and perceived image of the University of the Basque Country in Álava (2009); Unibertsitatetik ikasleei lan munduan sartzen laguntzeko gidaliburua (2010).

He has participated in various regional development and entrepreneurship projects: Zuberoa garatzen (2001-2002); Basque Development and Cohesion Fund; design and implementation of the development strategy for the Sakana valley of Navarre (2009-until today); founder from the community entrepreneurship platform Red Sakantzen Sarea (2012-2016); advisory member of the Management Board of the Development Agency of Sakana (2016-until today), among others.

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