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Knowledge area
Systems and Automatic Engineering
Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Electronic mail

She has a bachelor’s degree in Technical Industrial Engineering —electronics—, a specialist university degree in Digital Automation Techniques, an engineer’s degree in Automation and Industrial Electronics and a PhD in Control Engineering, Automation and Robotics —doctoral thesis award— from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) —1998, 1999, 2003 and 2013, respectively.

She was a fellow in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation (DSEA) of the UPV / EHU —1999. Afterwards, she joined the department as associate lecturer —99-00 course. In October 2002, she started an internship at the Vicomtech technology center, where, in April 2003, she became part of its staff as a research assistant.

In 2005, she joined the DSEA of the Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa (UPV / EHU), where she is currently a senior lecturer in automatic control and systems engineering and teaches subjects at undergraduate —Classical Control Theory, Digital Electronics Systems— and postgraduate level —Control in Embedded Systems, Advanced Control of Wind Turbine-Driven Generators.

Since 2008, she is part of the Intelligent Systems and Energy (SI+E) research group. Her research activity focuses mainly on the design, development and application of robust control structures for electrical machines, as well as for power converters connected to non-ideal electrical grids —weak, unbalanced, distorted, etc.

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