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Knowledge area
Regional Geographical Analysis
Geography, Prehistory and Archeology
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences (University of Salamanca, 2005), ASD in Human Geography (UAB, 2005), PhD in Environmental Studies (UAB, 2011) and Master in Feminist Studies (U. Jaume I, 2018). She obtained pre and post-doctoral scholarships in calls of the Basque Government, the Generalitat and the UPV-EHU. Her thesis analysed the diverse territorial impacts of large-scale mining in Latin America and the geographical dimensions of the associated conflicts. Afterwards, she worked in research projects related to the Ecological Debt (extra-territorial impacts of the economy), Energy Debt and Energy Transition. In addition, she studied the situation of women in the context of the Basque farmhouse in another research. In total, she has participated in 10 research projects; currently, she takes part in the mPower European project and in the consolidated Ekopol group. In relation to the publications, she is (co-)author of 3 books, 8 chapters and 15 articles (8 of them JCR-ISI). She has presented papers in 15 international conferences and has made 3 research stays in FLACSO and in the Department of Geography in King's College London.

She has teaching experience in several subjects but, nowadays, she teaches Geography of the Current World and Spatial Planning and Environment and participates in the official Master's Degree in Participation and Community Development. In addition to end-of-degree projects, she co-directs a doctoral thesis.

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