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  • Ability to propose and carry out applied social research, knowing how to select the appropriate social research techniques at each moment.
  • Adaptation and creativity: the ability to adapt to changing situations, adapting behaviour in order to fit in, with versatility and flexibility, and the ability to design new projects, apply innovative solutions to problems that arise, as well as adapting methodologies and generic techniques to the reality and context in question.
  • An understanding of the structure and functioning of the political and administrative systems as well as social organisations.
  • An understanding of the transformation and evolution of contemporary societies with a special focus on the position in a representative democracy.
  • Analysis and summary: the ability to analyse and understand the social and political reality, differentiating its parts and the relationship between them, as well as what is relevant and secondary in relation to the promotion of participation and community development.
  • Basic knowledge of the psychology of human groups and collectives, principles and processes of political and public leadership.
  • Commitment to professional identity, development and ethics: the ability to recognise and value oneself as a professional who performs a service for the community and is concerned to ensure their continuous ongoing training, respecting and following ethical and professional values.
  • Critical and self-critical abilities: the ability to examine and judge the socio-political reality using internal and external criteria and to analyse one’s own performance using the same criteria.
  • Ethical and social commitment: social and personal behaviour consistent with the values of participation, integration, equality, fairness, justice and social transformation; commitment to the creation, strengthening and solidifying of the social and associative fabric of society.
  • Evaluation of programmes and actions.
  • Identification of the keys to participation and internal democracy, transversality and mainstreaming in institutions and organisations.
  • Identifying the key factors and values, opportunities and challenges of representative democracy.
  • Incorporating participation into all designs for applied social research.
  • Information management: the ability to search for, select, organise, relate and evaluate/value information that comes from various sources and to communicate that knowledge.
  • Interpersonal skills: the ability to positively relate to other people, regardless of their position, origin or attitude towards participation and community development, by way of empathetic listening (putting oneself in the place of the other person and truly understanding their suggestions and demands) and the clear and assertive expression of what one thinks and/or feels, through verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Introduction to the evolution of contemporary societies and their social and political movements.
  • Knowing the expressions of collective action.
  • Knowledge of alternative paradigms based on the extensive participation of citizens.
  • Knowledge of the active and participatory methodologies with a special focus on research-action participation.
  • Knowledge of the basic components of social inequalities and cultural differences.
  • Knowledge of the dominant paradigms in relation to the political culture and democratic values.
  • Knowledge of the main theoretical contributions about actors and networks of actors as well as their ways of interacting.
  • Knowledge of the methodology of social sciences and the (quantitative and qualitative) basic and advanced techniques of social research.
  • Knowledge of the models of governance and the role that participation can play.
  • Knowledge of the participative focus of public management and human resources, as well as quality systems applied to the public field.
  • Knowledge of the principles of public management and human resources.
  • Knowledge of the processes of public policies and making public decisions.
  • Knowledge of the social and public policy networks.
  • Knowledge of the variables of collective action and their consequences.
  • Leadership, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: the ability to influence people and/or groups contributing to their personal and communal development, as well as a predisposition to act proactively, putting into effect ideas through activities and projects in order to make the most of opportunities while taking the necessary risks.
  • Mastery of the active and participative methodologies with a special focus on research-action participation.
  • Mastery of the methodology of social sciences and the (quantitative and qualitative) basic and advanced techniques of social research.
  • New technologies: the ability to use new technologies as a tool of expression, communication and participation, as access to sources of information, a way of storing data and documents and for presentation, learning, research and cooperative work tasks, as well as promoting participation and community development.
  • Oral and written communication: the ability to transmit ideas clearly and understandably, using relevant examples and making use of support resources, and the ability to write clear and well-structured documents, using language accessible to everyone and including gender criteria.
  • Participation and the competitive and cooperative relationship between political and social agents in defining public policies.
  • Participative evaluation of programmes and actions.
  • Planning and organising: an ability to effectively determine the aims, goals, objectives and priorities of the task in hand by organising the necessary activities, deadlines and resources and monitoring the established processes.
  • Problem solving and decision making: the ability to identify, analyse and define the significant elements that make up a problem in order to solve it with sound judgement and in an effective way.
  • Recognising and respecting diversity and multiculturalism: the ability to understand and accept social and cultural diversity as an enriching personal and collective component in order to improve the coexistence between people without discriminating due to sex, age, religion, ethnic group, study level or social and political nature.
  • Responsibility and quality: commitment to the tasks taken on and the jobs assigned and motivation to produce high quality and for the constant improvement of the participation and community development processes.
  • Revitalisation of the participatory definition of diagnostics and action programmes.
  • Self-sufficiency in learning: the ability to carry out self-sufficient, responsible training, showing initiative, mastering the knowledge and working methods and carrying out the training tasks and activities.
  • Skills and techniques to obtain primary and secondary information.
  • Specific knowledge of the disadvantaged sectors (women, youth, minorities, social exclusion).
  • Teamwork: the ability and willingness to become part of a work team, collaborating and cooperating with others, taking on tasks and responsibilities and contributing to decision making and building a consensus.
  • Technologies and methodologies for working with teams.
  • The ability to analyse quantitative and qualitative data, as well as creating, using and interpreting social indicators and social measurement tools.
  • The ability to define and analyse data and indicators in a participatory manner.
  • The ability to identify and coordinate the people and social networks that participate in collective projects, as well as manage the necessary resources.
  • The ability to work in a cooperative group and horizontally revitalise the existing networks as well as manage and mediate in any conflicts that arise.
  • The basic design of strategies, programmes and action dedicated to dealing with political and social issues.
  • The principle of self-sufficiency in professional work: the ability to independently carry out the tasks necessary in order to achieve the team’s objective or to work in a self-sufficient manner while still using resources and help when necessary; similarly, the ability to delegate to the organised citizenry or on an individual level, thus promoting their self-sufficiency.
  • The use of new participation technologies.
  • The use of the information and communication technologies, analysing their impact on the political, social and environmental systems.
  • Use of participative techniques.

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