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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Bachelor in Political Sciences and Sociology from the University of Deusto (1983) and PhD from the University of the Basque Country (1999). He has been head of the Master in Multimedia Communication UPV/EHU-EITB, and he is still on the Board of Directors of the Master. His teaching activity is mainly focused on Methods of Research in Communication.

He has been a visiting fellow researcher in the University of Reno and Glasgow. Main investigation areas are: 1) Communication and Journalism in European Minority Languages; 2) Media Ethics and, specially, the analysis of visual representations of sex and violence. With respect to the first area, he is a former member of the 'European Minority Language Media and Journalism Research Group', directed by Prof. Iñaki Zabaleta. Regarding the second area, he is now in the group Ethics and Information Excellence, guided by Prof. Begoña Zalbidea. He collaborated on around 50 communications presented in national and international conferences and in 25 articles and book chapters published in journals and publications. He has a six year investigation recognition from the CNEAI.

Last publication: URRUTIA, Santi, ZALBIDEA, Begoña, CAMACHO, Idoia, PASTOR, Jose Mari (2019) Editors versus audiences facing news: Is this discrepancy also repeated on social news networks? Journalism, 1-18.

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