
XSL Content

EFQM excellence model

General details of the subject


Description and contextualization of the subject

To present the concept of Total Quality: Excellence within the organizations and its implementation process. To present in detail the latest version of the EFQM Model with the different criteria and subcriteria and its evolution over time. Explain the method of evaluation and self-evaluation that follows the EFQM model.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
JIMBERT LACHA, PEDRO JOSEUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualGraphic Expression in
TOLEDO GANDARIAS, NEREAUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado PlenoDoctorBilingualEngineering


To differentiate the project application environment, both at the level of regulations and standardization and at the business level.100.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups202040
Applied computer-based groups01515

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Exercises45.010 %
Expositive classes30.033 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation20.0 % 30.0 %
Practical tasks40.0 % 70.0 %
Written examination0.0 % 40.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student who successfully completes this subject should be able to:

- Understand the difference between Quality Management and Total Quality

- Know the EFQM model in its 2020 version and understand its operation and its implementation process in an organization.

- Understand how the evaluation of an organization is carried out with the RADAR diagnostic tool

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The following factors are taken into account in the grading of the course:

Attendance (20%): Although attendance is not compulsory, it is highly recommended due to the contents developed in the classroom. For this reason, attendance forms part of the calculation of the final grade.

Team work (40%): Teamwork in this class is considered very relevant and therefore has a significant importance in the evaluation of students. Each team (of 2 or 3 students) will have to hand in a designated piece of work at the end of the course. The work will be handed in by uploading it to egela on the defined deadlines. In order to pass the course, the work must have obtained a grade equal or higher than 4 out of 10.

Exam (40%): On the official date there will be a written test about the concepts presented in class. In order to pass the course, the exam must have obtained a grade equal or higher than 4 out of 10.

The grade for the course will be obtained by applying its corresponding weight to each of the factors (attendance, teamwork, exam).

If the teamwork or the exam has not passed the established cut-off mark, the final mark for the course will be 4.

If the student decides to waive the Continuous Assessment of this subject, he/she must communicate it in writing before the deadline for the submission of the team work.

In this case, in order to pass the course, the student will be assessed by means of a written exam that may contain additional questions to those posed in the exam to which students who are assessed on a continuous basis are submitted and which will include all the contents studied throughout the period corresponding to the exam.

In the event that health conditions prevent the completion of a teaching activity and/or face-to-face assessment, a non-face-to-face modality will be activated, of which students will be promptly informed (applicable to all exams: ordinary, extraordinary and advance).

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

Those who have to sit the extraordinary call will do so in the same way as they did in the ordinary call. In other words, those who took the continuous assessment will complete the tests (team work, exam) that they did not pass in the ordinary call.

The grade for the course will be obtained by applying the corresponding weight to each of the factors (attendance, team work, exam).

If the teamwork or the exam has not passed the established cut-off mark, the final mark for the course will be 4.

Those who waive the continuous assessment, will be submitted to a written exam as described in the previous section (Ordinary call: orientations and waiver).


Principles and models of Total Quality: Comparison between the different Deming Methods, EFQM,.

The EFQM model: Prior requirements. Fundamental concepts. Explanation of the criteria and subcriteria of the model. Evolution of the model.

Evaluation and scoring of the EFQM model: Process of self-evaluation and external evaluation. RADAR Methodology.


Compulsory materials

Slides uploaded to eGela.

Basic bibliography

Kerzner, H.; Project Management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. Ed. John Wiley, 2003.

Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge, Project Management Institute. 2013.

In-depth bibliography

Euskalit "Calidad Total" 2004

Euskalit "Cuestionario de Autoevaluación EFQM" 2004

J Mª Sainz de Vicuña Ancin "El plan estratégico en la práctica" Ed. ESIC 2003

M Casadesús, I Heras, J Merino "Calidad práctica"Ed. Prentice Hall 2005

C. Camisón, S. Cruz, T. González "Gestión de la Calidad" Ed. Prentice Hall 2006

Burgelman, Robert A.¿ Strategic management of technology and innovation¿.Mc Graw-Hill, 2008

Baguer Alcalá, Angel, ¿las 10 erres en la dirección de personas¿, ESIC, 2009


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