
About the master

Project management is a discipline applied in many aspects of professional life. However, academic training rarely includes a project-based perspective for the organisation of work. This can lead to uncertainties, in the day-to-day work, about the best ways to deal with the problems arising in the projects and in their integration with the organisations: planning, control and project phases; change and risk management; communication and conflict management; safety and environment, etc.

In the European Master's in Project Management programme, you will acquire adequate theoretical knowledge for enhancing your development of advanced scientific knowledge on project management, in order to address the challenges that emerge in the scope of work organisation.

This master's degree offers the possibility of gaining a double degree with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (Germany) and has received the Unibasq Internationalization Mention, which promotes and recognises the internationalization of the student body.

This master's degree gives access to the doctoral programmes.

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Spanish, English




1,5 years

Approximate fees

3.000 €

Teaching place

University of the Basque Country: Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao


Person in charge of the Master :

Secretariat :

94601 3917


4 reasons to study this Master

  • The Master's programme offers the option to obtain a dual degree, one awarded by the UPV/EHU and the other by the Fachhochschule Dortmund (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts) in Germany.
  • The schedule of the Master's programme makes it compatible with many jobs, since the classes are taught on Fridays from 16:00 to 21:00 and on Saturdays from 9:00 a 14:00.
  • The majority of the teaching staff has a proven experience in managing projects and some of them are professionals working for certain companies who, in addition to their jobs, teach in the Master's degree programme, thereby offering a closer vision of the market.
  • A part of the teaching staff comprises of professors from other universities with a long track record of teaching in the field of Project Management.

participantes-master-Dirección de proyectos

Participating universities


Career opportunities

Project Management is a discipline with an ever-increasing demand from the society, more so from the industry. In fact, Deutsche Bank Research states that by 2020, project-based economic activity would represent 15% of value creation in Germany. On the other hand, the 'Global Project Management Report' of Price Water House published in 2012 indicated that during the 2000-2020 period, more than 25% of the economic value generated will be through projects. Therefore, there will be a high demand in the market for a qualified professional specialising in Project Management.


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