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Soft skills and professional development (UPV/EHU)

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

The soft skills and professional development subject is mandatory and is taught within the Erasmus Mundus Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC+). This subject will provide comprehensive training on the realm of professional development, by promoting skills that are not technical, but that are equally important for a successful career working in science or science-adjacent topics.

To become a good researcher it is essential to acquire excellent technical skills through which one generates knowledge. However, the ability to share such knowledge, to work in collaboration with other people in an aligned and effective manner, and to manage research-related resources is what makes a successful scientist, one that contributes to their team, their host institution, the scientific community and the world.

This course will delve into the development of transversal skills like communication and leadership, providing strategies and tools to promote teamwork, assertiveness, decision-making, time management, career readiness, and more.

In short, the purpose of this subject is to complement the scientific training offered by the Master and provide the student with the necessary resources build a successful career.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
GANDARIAS GOIKOETXEA, IÑAKIUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualChemical


Acquire the ability to carry out an investigation from the bibliographic search to the presentation of the results, through laboratory work, knowing how to listen and respond clearly about their scientific work.50.0 %
Know how to move with skill in the English language both at the level of oral and written communication in a professional environment. 50.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups101525

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Discussion5.0100 %
Exercises5.0100 %
Expositive classes10.0100 %
Groupwork30.00 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Continuous evaluation20.0 % 60.0 %
Oral examination40.0 % 80.0 %
Practical tasks20.0 % 40.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

The Learning Results of this subject seek to delve into the scope of professional development, as well as the acquisition of transversal skills. Therefore, the students who successfully pass the course should be able to:

- Identify the basic elements of verbal and non-verbal communication

- Communicate effectively in different circumstances: meetings, interviews, presentations.

- Identify the different types of effective leadership.

- Understand and put into practice communication skills like active listening, assertiveness, and non-violent communication.

- Identify the keys to good teamwork.

- Understand and internalize the behaviours that help teamwork and the behaviours that pose an obstacle to teamwork.

- Identify the keys to manage time appropriately.

- Prioritize tasks according to their importance and/or urgency and distribute them appropriately according to their priority.

- Identify the parts and contents of a project (objectives, tasks, methodology, budget, etc.).

- Identify the phases of a project: writing, presentation, launch meeting, implementation, intermediate meetings, deliverables, justifications.

- Design and draft a simple project.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The students will be evaluated by means of:

- Oral presentation exercises.

- Continuous monitoring of each student’s utilisation of the classroom exercises (group dynamics, role-playing, debates, etc.).

- Assessment of teamwork skills observed in the classroom.

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

Multiple-choice test that will cover the main points of the programme.


The contents of the theoretical and practical classes will be:

1. Communication.

1.1. How to communicate effectively and guarantee that the message is received as we wish.

1.2. How to be assertive (as opposed to passive or aggressive).

1.3. Example of effective communication processes: how to make a good job interview.

2. Basic skills for personal development.

2.1. Leadership.

2.2. Teamwork.

2.3. Proactivity and entrepreneurship.

3. Time management: how to organise our time in multitasking environments, learning how to prioritise in an organised fashion.

4. Introduction to project management: key points to organise a project, from drafting to justification, reviewing the different phases.


Compulsory materials

The necessary material (folder/dossier) will be provided on the first day of class, along with the theoretical/practical material. The student will also have access to the additional material on the eGela platform, which will help them understand and follow the classes seamlessly.

Basic bibliography

- Goleman, Daniel. "Emotional Intelligence"

- Mack, Chris. A. "How to Write a Good Scientific Paper". Available at (

- Lusk, Liam. "Presentation Skills: How to Make A Great Presentation" (Kindle Edition)

In-depth bibliography

- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen Covey

- Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence: Daniel Goleman


- Guide to Making Effective Presentations Paperback by Dr. John Hodges Reed




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