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Study load
Compulsory subjectsOptional subjectsFinal Master's dissertationTotal
6   ECTS   credits84   ECTS   credits30   ECTS   credits120   ECTS   credits

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  • Marine Environment ( Credits : 33 ECTS )
  • Sustainable Marine Resources ( Credits : 30 ECTS )

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Compulsory subjects

Compulsory subjects
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Research in Marine Environment and ResourcesEnglish6 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course

Optional subjects

Optional subjects
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Aquaculture and Blue BiotechnologyEnglish6Sustainable Marine Resources
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Deep Sea EcologyEnglish7.5Sustainable Marine Resources
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Ecosystem-based Fisheries ManagementEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Environment and Fisheries/AquacultureEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Fisheries and Fish BiologyEnglish6Sustainable Marine Resources
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Functional and Molecular Marine MicrobiologyEnglish6Sustainable Marine Resources
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Instrumentation and Measurements in Operational OceanographyEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine EnterpreneurshipEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Resource GenomicsEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Physiological Energetics of Marine OrganismsEnglish4Sustainable Marine Resources
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Remote Sensing of the Oceans - UAc English6Sustainable Marine Resources
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Remote Sensing of the Oceans - ULiègeEnglish6Sustainable Marine Resources
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Biology of Marine Mammals - UAc English6Marine Environment
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Biology of Marine Mammals - ULiègeEnglish6Marine Environment
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Cellular and Molecular BiomarkersEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Degradation and rehabilitation of estuariesEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Ecological Quality Assessment in Coastal EcosystemsEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Ecotoxicology and Risk Quantification of Marine PollutantsEnglish6Marine Environment
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Environmental Analytical ChemistryEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment in Aquatic SystemsEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Environmental chemometricsEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Environmental genomicsEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Eutrophication and Harmful AlgaeEnglish4Marine Environment
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Mathematical Analysis and Modelling Methods Applied to the EnvironmentEnglish6Marine Environment
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Oceans and HealthEnglish6Marine Environment
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Advanced Instrumental AnalysisEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Analyses of Environmental Data and Modelling - UAc English6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Analyses of Environmental Data and Modelling - UBx English6 --
Université de Bordeaux ( Ufr. des Sciences Biologiques Bordeaux )
Face-to-face degree course
Applied and Marine GeophysicsEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Biochemistry and Physiology of Marine AnimalsEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth SystemEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Biogeochemical Cycles in the OceanEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Biological Oceanography - UAcEnglish6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Biological Oceanography - UBxEnglish6 --
Université de Bordeaux ( Ufr. des Sciences Biologiques Bordeaux )
Face-to-face degree course
Carbon, Nutrient, Greenhouse dynamics in marine ecosystems & Geological oceanographyEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Chemical Oceanography - UAc English6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Chemical Oceanography - UBxEnglish6 --
Université de Bordeaux ( Ufr. des Sciences Biologiques Bordeaux )
Face-to-face degree course
Comparative Endocrinology and Endocrine Disruption ...English4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Data Management and Generalised Linear Modelling for BiologistsEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Dynamic Oceanography - UAc English6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Dynamic Oceanography - UBxEnglish6 --
Université de Bordeaux ( Ufr. des Sciences Biologiques Bordeaux )
Face-to-face degree course
Geodynamics and Solid Earth GeophysicsEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Geographical Information SystemsEnglish6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Histology and Histopathology of Aquatic AnimalsEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Introduction to Biological OceanographyEnglish3.8 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Introduction to Chemical OceanographyEnglish3.8 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Introduction to Marine GeologyEnglish3.8 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Introduction to Physical OceanographyEnglish3.8 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Conservation and PolicyEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Ecology - UAc English6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Ecology - ULiègeEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Microbial EcologyEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Marine Plant Biology and EcologyEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Maritime and Coastal Spatial Planning and LawEnglish6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Multicultural Integration in the EUEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Ocean Global Change BiologyEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Professional Practice in marine/environmental sectorsEnglish6 --
Université de Liège ( Faculty of Sciences )
Face-to-face degree course
Satellite Oceanography and MeteorologyEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course
Seafloor Geology - UAc English6 --
Universidade dos Açores ( Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia )
Face-to-face degree course
Seafloor Geology - UBxEnglish6 --
Université de Bordeaux ( Ufr. des Sciences Biologiques Bordeaux )
Face-to-face degree course
Shelf Seas and Shelf Edge DynamicsEnglish7.5 --
University of Southampton ( School Oceanography & Earth SCI )
Face-to-face degree course
Socio-Economic Aspects of Climate ChangeEnglish4 --
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology ( PIE )
Face-to-face degree course

Final Master's dissertation

Final Master's dissertation
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Proyecto Fin de Máster30 --


Master's Degree Final Project


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