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Knowledge area
Plant Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

Bachelor (1980) and doctor (1987) of Biology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Qualified researcher at the Service of Oceanographic Research of the Basque Government in 1986-1987, lecturer at the UPV/EHU since 1987, and researcher and member of the Governing council and the Scientific commission at the Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotechnology (PiE-UPV/EHU; Plentzia Marine Station).

Leader of the research group of Marine and Estuarine Plankton Ecology (Group B of the Basque university system). Supervisor or cosupervisor of 10 doctoral theses (2 with European mention). Member of the ICES Zooplankton Ecology Working Group and EUROBUS Working Group. He has take part in 24 research projects, in 17 of them as principal researcher, and in 22 investigation contracts with companies or administrations, in 17 of them as principal researcher. Author o coauthor of 74 scientific publications, among them 51 articles in indexed journals and 3 book chapters. He has presented more than 100 communications to national or international symposiums.

He has gained recognition for 5 six-year research merits from the National committee for the assessment of the research action. Her main lines of investigation are: Description of coastal and estuarine zooplankton structure and dynamics in the Basque coast, measurement of copepod fertility, trophic ecology of fish larvae, zooplankton bioindication of environmental changes and zooplankton time series analysis.

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