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Optional subjects
Subject | Languages | ECTS Credits | Specialities / Syllabus | Teaching Base | Mode |
Cultural studies | English | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Fundamentals of comparative literature | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Genre studies | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Greek poetics and rhetoric | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Latin poetics and rhetoric | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Literature and the Arts | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Narratology | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Reception theory | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in Greek literature I | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in Greek literature II | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in Latin literature I | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in Latin literature II | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in hispanic literature II | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in hispanic literatures I | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in literatures in the English language I | English | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in literatures in the English language II | English | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in literatures in the German language I | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topics in literatures in the German language II | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topis in Basque Literature I | Basque | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Research topis in Basque Literature II | Basque | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Theory and structure of literary genres: drama | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Theory and structure of literary genres: narrative | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Theory and structure of literary genres: poetry | Spanish | 3 | -- | University of the Basque Country
Faculty of Arts
| Face-to-face degree course |
Final Master's dissertation
Subject | Languages | ECTS Credits | Specialities / Syllabus | Teaching Base | Mode |
Master Thesis | 12 | -- |
De modo general, la docencia se distribuye en tres modalidades: docencia de tipo magistral, seminarios y prácticas de aula. En los dos últimos casos, es esencial la participación activa de los estudiantes, que deben realizar las lecturas y los ejercicios oportunos. Puede encontrarse información detallada en la guía docente de cada asignaturaAssessment
En general, la evaluación de los estudiantes se efectúa teniendo en cuenta la asistencia regular a clase, la participación en las discusiones en el aula y su preparación mediante la lectura de los textos pertinentes, la realización de exposiciones orales y de trabajos escritos. Puede encontrarse información detallada en la guía docente de cada asignatura- Number of credits ECTS : 12
- Master's Final Project teachers