Ability to apply knowledge about cognitive processes and their neural bases to professional areas (neuropsychology, neuroscience, ergonomics, education, etc.)
Ability to carry out critical judgments about the methodological quality of research (experimental control, design, etc)
Ability to use research and assessment techniques in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Applied knowledge in different areas of interest
Awareness of the applications of scientific psychology to social, educational and health areas. Ability to tackle new situations in these applied areas and make judgments that include reflections on social and ethical responsibilities.
Awareness of the most up-to-date research in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Communicating the results and relevance of research to specialists and general public clearly and unambiguously. Oral and written communication skills in theory and research
Defining a research question.
Designing an experiment to tackle a specific problem
Designing an experiment to tackle a specific problem
Developing autonomous learning abilities: carrying out bibliographic searches, critical analysis, organization of scientific literature on specific topics, etc.
Extensive and in-depth knowledge of psychological processes and their neural bases
Extensive and in-depth knowledge of psychological processes and their neural bases. Ability to integrate knowledge and tackle the complexity of making judgments, often based on partial or incomplete information, that include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities inherent in the application of this knowledge
Familiarity with the most recent theories and most advanced methods in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Familiarity with the use of the main assessment tools in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Knowledge of dysfunctions of human cognitive processes and their neural bases, and of different types of assessment and rehabilitation of these processes.
Knowledge of the basic techniques of data analysis in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Knowledge of the main methodologies in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Practical experience of techniques derived from Cognitive Neuroscience. Students will learn how to apply the knowledge acquired and resolve problems within new or unfamiliar areas of wider contexts.
Practical knowledge of the techniques common to psychology research in general and of the specific methods and techniques of Cognitive Neuroscience. Students will learn how to apply the knowledge acquired and resolve problems within new or unfamiliar areas of wider contexts.
Practice of analyzing data from an experiment.
Sourcing and analyzing the relevant literature on a specific research topic.
Understanding and using the systems of register used in Neuroscience (behavioural measures, electrophysiological registers, eye-movement registers, data from brain-damaged patients, magnetoencephalographic registers, haemodynamic registers, etc.).
Using basic tools to design experiments in Cognitive Neuroscience .
Using neuropsychological assessment instruments and tests and interpreting the results of these.