

About the course

Reuse and safeguarding of the contemporary heritage affect tens of millions of people in Europe and hundreds of millions around the world; affect the quality of life of citizens through where they live and where they develop their lives.

Cities and urban environments in Europe should preserve their typology and identity and try to maintain their specific nature in comparison with other places in the world. They are realities that make Europe attractive and competitive and contribute to the well-being of its citizens.

Providing high-level qualification for future professionals and researchers focused on the safeguarding, conservation and reuse of 20th century urban and built heritage is the overarching goal of the “ARURCOHE” Erasmus Mundus Joint Master to be jointly implemented by UPV/EHU (Coordinator), KTU (Kaunas University of Technology) and POLITO (Politecnico di Torino) universities.

* For more information about the price, please see the master's programme secretary.

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Places available



Face-to-face degree course






1,5 years

Approximate fees


International interuniversity

University of the Basque Country: School of Architecture

Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania)

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)


Person in charge of the Master :

Secretariat :

943 018413



4 reasons to study this master

ARURCOHE fills an existing lack in the masters funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It is the only master's degree dedicated exclusively to Architecture and Sites, more specifically to 20th century Architectural and Urban Heritage.

In addition to the participating universities, ARURCOHE involves representatives from all fields related to its objectives. The academic plan includes monographic sessions from other European universities, national and international agencies on heritage conservation, R+D+i technology centres and business associations in the construction sector.

Students begin their studies at the UPV/EHU (School of Architecture in Donostia-San Sebastian) during one semester, then continue their Master's Degree at the Politecnico di Torino (Department of Projects in Torino) where they study the second semester and finish ARURCOHE during the third semester in Torino or in Kaunas (School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the KTU), dedicated entirely to the completion of the Master Dissertation.



Kaunas University of Technology
Politecnico di Torino


Career opportunities

ARURCOHE will be issued to all the students two diplomas regardless of the selected Path and the location of Master's Degree Final Project and Courses: 

  • from the KTU and the UPV/EHU universities the joint diploma "Architectural and urban contemporary heritage - ARURCOHE" and 
  • from the POLITO university the diploma Master di livello II "Architectural and urban contemporary heritage - ARURCOHE".

By ends of Block 2 the students can register a doctoral thesis project.

Based on the above, at international level ARURCOHE students will be able to join public bodies (universities and national and international agencies for the protection of architectural and urban heritage), private companies in the construction sector and architectural project companies.

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Suggestions and requests