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Master's Degree in Fine Arts (1994) at the UPV / EHU, with major in Painting. Professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts from December 1995 in the Drawing Department. Public Lecturer since 18/02/2004. Secretary of the Faculty of Fine Arts from 02/03/1999 to 13/07/2000. Secretary of the Department of the Drawing Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts from 14/11/2000 until 31/01/2005. Vice-dean of Planning and Economic Affairs of the Faculty of Fine Arts from 01/06/2018 up to the present.

Lecturer of subjects related to the practice of drawing as an artistic expression, representation systems and descriptive geometrics, project resources for design... Participation in seminars and training courses for teachers of secondary education (Garatu). Lecturer of the MasterŽs Degree in Teacher Training of the UPV / EHU from the 2010/11 academic year.

Many painting exhibitions since 1993 having received numerous PRIZES among which we could highlight:

2010. Honorable mention. Hispanic Heritage in America 2010. Museum of the Americas. Doral, Miami (USA).

2008. Acquisition of work Kutxa / Caja de Ahorros de Gipuzkoa.

2004. Úrculo Award. Marca Painting Contest. Madrid.

2004. 1st watercolor prize Aitor Urdangarín in Vitoria.

1994. 1st prize Imagínate Euskadi, Banco Central Hispano. Central Hispano de Plata Prize-trophy (designed by Nestor Basterretxea) chosen among all the winners for the best treatment of the theme.

1993. 3rd prize Imagínate Euskadi, Banco Central Hispano. Bilbao.

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